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Questions tagged [raster]

A rectangular array of pixels. A Raster defines values for pixels occupying a particular rectangular area of the plane, not necessarily including (0, 0).

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adjustments in react leaflet currently done on openlayers

I have an application that uses the openlayers library in react to display a map. I use an internal raster tile server that has a strange a strange configuration. all tiles are offset and squished ...
amitai feingold's user avatar
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How to find the width of a river in a LandSat-8 image using rasterio, in a given interval? eg:10m, 20m [closed]

I am working on a project where I have to find width of a river in a given interval. # %% [markdown] # ### Import required libraries # %% import rasterio from skimage import filters import matplotlib....
Gaurav Sapkota's user avatar
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Error rendering text in rayshader and opactiy also don't work when using render_higquality

The opacity of polygon and text works when using plot_3d only but whenever i use render_highquality, text are replaced by rectangular box with no text and opactity of polygon is always 1 though using ...
Sagar Rawal's user avatar
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Merge several rasters into one large raster file in R with 'terra'

I have several rasters (.tif) files and want to merge them into a final large raster. Each smaller raster file is also in relatively large size. I used the terra R package's vrt function to first ...
LittleXQ's user avatar
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Change raster extent with tidy

I have files from ERA5 that have extent from 0 to 360 (lon) and -90 to 90 (lat) Example: > era5_sr class : SpatRaster dimensions : 721, 1440, 744 (nrow, ncol, nlyr) resolution : 0.25, 0....
herakles_1950's user avatar
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How to retrieve images from HERE API preserving geometry

I tried to extract images and I did successfully but they always come in the fashion (I guess) base64 format with no geometry. I'm a newbie in the use of apis so ...
Luis Armando Amador Durán's user avatar
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2 answers

R - error with terra::extract : unable to find inherited method for function "extract" for signature "SpatRaster", "SpatialPolygons"

I'm trying to convert an R script using package raster in order to use package terra instead. So I changed the raster::raster function for terra::rast function, and also the raster::extract for terra::...
Colsourie's user avatar
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How to successfully create raster of predicted values from spatial logistic regression? R spaMM package

I am trying to run a spatial logistic regression model using the spaMM package in R. I have a stack of three predictor rasters representing canopy height, canopy layers, and large tree density, and am ...
user25754519's user avatar
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Embedding text in a terra raster?

Is there a simple way of embedding a given text in a terra raster, at a given position? Thanks, Jean-Luc
Jean-Luc Dupouey's user avatar
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How can I go through all possible numbers in one loop?

I am quite new with R and trying to turn a larger SpatRaster into SpatVector. Unfortunately using vec <- as.polygons(raster) I get Error: [as.polygons] the raster is too large So I figured I can ...
user25288312's user avatar
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3 answers

Mask a list of rasters using a list of spatial vectors (shapefiles)

I have a list of raster files and a list of shapefiles ordered by date (one for each of 52 weeks of the year). I need to mask each raster with its corresponding shapefile and I am stuck on the code to ...
Erin Snook's user avatar
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Matching dataframe values to RasterLayer names and performing calculations

In R, I have a list of formal class 'RasterLayer' rasters that I obtained using the following code: library(raster) library(terra) rasterlist <- list.files(path = ".", pattern = "*\\....
bb_row's user avatar
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Sampling random points in R with both raster and shapefile constraints

I am trying to sample random points according to 2 conditions: in non-NA cells of a raster inside the polygons of a shapefile I tested the terra::spatSample() function, but I can't meet the second ...
Marine Régis's user avatar
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Single band multiple raster Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) in R

I have single band 764 weekly raster files from 2009 to present. Using these files, I want to make seasonal exploratory data analysis (EDA) according to corresponding years. I need to know how I can ...
Farinz's user avatar
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Permission error [WinError 32], python and rasterio/geowombat

i have a code where I clip first and then resample the raster using geowombat. At the end I am trying to delete the clipped raster in the directory, but that does not work, it indicates that the ...
Andrei Kedich's user avatar

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