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Questions tagged [ubuntu-16.04]

Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) is a long term support release, available from 21st of April 2016. Questions should be related to writing or running programs under Ubuntu. General Ubuntu questions should be asked on

-1 votes
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unable to install wsl on my windows 10 pro laptop

I tried to install wsl and ubuntu on my laptop but I kept getting this error messsage unable to install wsl and ubuntu required for web3 on windows 10 pro laptop refer to the problem above. I'm ...
Adekunle Abdul-quadri's user avatar
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Can't retrieve tags for jenkins build, using git parameter plugin

I have added a git parameter plugin named as TAG, which is supposed to list all tags present in my Gitlab repository. I also have added default tag value as v1.0.0. There are other set of parameters ...
Always_Beginner's user avatar
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Is it possible to use Gcc 11 and G++ 11 in Ubuntu 16.04?

I'm using Ubuntu 16.04, and I just could update my Gcc and G++ compilers up to 9.4.0 version, but I need to use Gcc and G++ 11. How could I do that? I expect to solve the previous issue about updating ...
Luis Silva Franco's user avatar
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Is it a ca certificate verification issue? How can I resolve this?

in my company, there are several instances that are being backends for production, testing and other purposes. I am also a new employee in the company. Recently, all of the instances suddenly cannot ...
David Cheung's user avatar
-1 votes
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need help debuggin openssl on ubuntu 16.04 (unable to change root certificate for ISRG Root X1)

(sorry for the formatting, I could not post without setting most of this post as code ) I'm running ubuntu 16.04. openssl is claiming that a sites certificate has expired. openssl s_client -...
omer brandis's user avatar
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Store website username/password on Elinks for Ubuntu

I'm using Elinks 0.12pre6 on Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS. Yes, I know it's old. This is an old computer that I use for a couple of specific purposes and it works great. It's not my main computer. I use Elinks ...
tecate's user avatar
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Having issues joining my kubernetes worker noed to a controller node

"error execution phase preflight: couldn't validate the identity of the API Server: Get "https://master-node.xxxxx.xxxxx:6443/api/v1/namespaces/kube-public/configmaps/cluster-info?timeout=...
Aka Onyekachukwu's user avatar
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Request Content-Length 198664571 exceeds the configured limit of 31457280

While hosting the jar file in spark-jobserver the following error occurs Request Content-Length 198664571 exceeds the configured limit of 31457280 in ubuntu16 enter image description here I have ...
Sai Ramya Narayanan's user avatar
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ASP.NET Core app does not redirects to ssl port on nginx + ubuntu

I am trying to host an core app to nginx as on docs. The app has 2 ports one http and other https. The SSL certificate is provided on nginx and not on appsettings.json. The appsettings.json ...
yogihosting's user avatar
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Error in installing imagick due to dependencies issue

Need to install imagick on 7.3 qa server. Having dependency issues on ubuntu 16.04 root@ip-172-31-37-47:/home/zia# sudo apt-get install php-imagick Reading package lists... Done Building dependency ...
Aashir Zia's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I build python3.11 with ssl for ubuntu 16.04

Firstly, I know ubuntu 16 is very old, but it is not an option to change it for I have been able to build python3.11 from source and install it, but it does not build with the _ssl module which means ...
ssemtner's user avatar
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GTK/GDK/X11 Issue With Window Titles Larger Than Window on Ubuntu 16.04

I am using GTK 3.20.8 on (admittedly old) Ubuntu 16.04 using X11 as the window manager. When there is a window title larger than the size of the window, the title completely disappears, unless the ...
Leigh K's user avatar
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Write multiple commands in a row to WSL ubuntu terminal

Right now I am running a wsl ubunutu terminal and have a python script in a directory that is different to the home directory. I can get it to run a single command to it like 'ls' but i want to cd in ...
Gabe Paris-Moe's user avatar
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Error installing python3.7 on ubuntu 16.04

I'm trying to install Python3.7 on ubuntu 16.04. I tried the installation steps on the internet, but I got an error code. My installation steps: sudo apt update sudo apt install software-properties-...
Eggsy's user avatar
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I am trying to install Ubuntu OS and I encounter an input/output error while installing the system

On the fourth last line I tried to install Ubuntu OS on my laptop and my internet went down so I got an error. I have tried formatting the SSD but it persists giving error every time I boot up and try ...
Theedxctor's user avatar
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How do I get the data I extract from NetCDF using NCO to be in correct format?

I am working with a NetCDF file and am looking to extract the data using NCO. This is time series data of PM 2.5 across South Florida. Therefore, there is PM 2.5 data for thousands of points across ...
Nick Reynolds's user avatar
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Web server not using TLS 1.2 when connecting to Amazon SES via SMTP

I have received an email stating that our servers need be updated to use TLS 1.2 when sending emails to Amazon SES via SMTP. I have looked into the servers mentioned and all layers involved appear to ...
Steve's user avatar
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Why is gem telling me the current ruby version is 2.5.0 when it's not?

Context: I'm trying to install jekyll on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS so that I can work on a GitHub Pages site without having to deploy my changes to production every time I want to view them. Here's the ...
Ashamandarei's user avatar
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Not able Unlock Window Vm which is configured inside the ubuntu server QEMU/KVM

enter image description here Window server VM is configured on Ubuntu server 16.04.7 inside the Virtual Machine Manager. But the problem as i have to open Windows server from VM it shows locked screen,...
Zulfiqar Ali's user avatar
2 votes
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Docker apt-get update fails during building phase

Dockerfile first lines FROM ubuntu:22.10 ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive RUN apt-get update bash script cargo clean docker build -t (name) . I have an Ubuntu 16.04 server where rust (and thus ...
Omiros Omiridis's user avatar
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Error while launching Eclipse installed via Ubuntu Software Center

I installed Eclipse through the Ubuntu Software Center of Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and got the below error on opening. My jdk version is 17: openjdk 17-ea 2021-09-14 OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 17-ea+...
Miriam Samson's user avatar
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nginx django static files 403 forbidden error permission denied

ngnix.conf server_name _; location = /favicon.ico { access_log off; log_not_found off; } location /static/ { alias /home/megasoft/bots/hisoblovchibot/backend/static/; ...
Moorfo's user avatar
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How do I install Python3.7 on Ubuntu 16?

I tried this approach but got: add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa Error processing line 1 of /usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/distutils-precedence.pth: Traceback (most recent call last): ...
personal_cloud's user avatar
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How to install python3 components on Ubuntu 16?

I am trying to install software that has a component that claims it can be installed using the latest python3-pip. I tried apt-get remove python3-pip followed by apt-get install python3-pip and it ...
personal_cloud's user avatar
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How to solve "ptrace operation not permitted"?

I am getting the following message: Could not attach to process. If your uid matches the uid of the target process, check the setting of /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope, or try again as the root ...
Arpita Dutta's user avatar
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terminating SSL on HAproxy

“Terminating SSL on HAproxy” means that HAproxy is configured to handle encrypted traffic, unencrypt it and pass it on to its destination. Create a certificate using certbot and configure HAproxy to ...
drich's user avatar
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How to build Dockerfile for an old Ubuntu version (16.04) no longer supported by apt-get install python3.8?

I have the following problem: I have to build a docker image for Ubuntu 16.04 and Python 3.8 (it is required to use MSSQL 16 for Django and I have to use MSSQL 16), but no official Python image for ...
Paanik's user avatar
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MySQL suddenly exited ExecStart=/usr/sbin/mysqld --daemonize --pid-file=/run/mysqld/ (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

MySQL works correctly on my server for several days. But all of a sudden, it stops working and my PHP application cannot connect to it anymore. The solution is easy: start/restart the MySQL service. ...
Jaime Montoya's user avatar
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PHP: MySQL Module Missing

On Ubuntu 16, dpkg --list showing the following: root@srv# dpkg --list | grep -i php rc php7.1-mysql amd64 MySQL ...
Eng7's user avatar
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Can't use apt-get on Ubuntu 16.04 VM cuz missing python3

I can't seem to find a solution for this. I need sudo apt-get install <package> to work because sudo apt-get -f -qq install -y doesn't work. Here is the log: ubuntu@ip-10-8-0-145:~$ sudo apt-get ...
tyronegcarter's user avatar
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Ubuntu Apache php and php-cli access rights

We have an apache server running with php7.4 on an Ubuntu system. The apache user is the default user www-data. My website resides in the folder: /var/www/html/contract-request and has recursively ...
Calamity Jane's user avatar
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Problem with OS161: Panic - Fatal exception 11 (Coprocessor unusable)

I was writing a First Come First Serve scheduling algorithm for OS161 on ubuntu 16 #FCFS code #include <types.h> #include <lib.h> #include <machine/types.h> #include <stdlib.h> ...
Hassan Hassan's user avatar
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DPKG and PERL ERROR when installing stuff on ubuntu

I have tried: --sudo apt-get install locales --sudo apt install libc-bin --apt install --reinstall dpkg These all lead to having perl and dpkg errors. I also tried to run all these in privillaged mode ...
user avatar
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could not access file "$libdir/postgis-2.2": No such file or directory

I want to enable postgis in my empty database psql --version # psql (PostgreSQL) 13.3 (Ubuntu 13.3-1.pgdg16.04+1) sudo -u postgres psql \c lom lom=# CREATE EXTENSION postgis; ERROR: could not access ...
mascai's user avatar
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When I using strings Command in Ubuntu16 to find something, I got nothing output

When I run this command in ubuntu16: strings /media/zhanggy/anaconda3/pkgs/libstdcxx-ng-11.2.0-h1234567_1/lib/ | grep GLIBCXX I got nothing output. here is the information picture ...
Zhang GeYuan's user avatar
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Getting syntax error while using virtualenv package in Ubuntu 16.04

I am running Ubuntu 16.04 in VMware virtual environment. When I try to install virtualenv, I am facing issues. What I did: sudo apt install python3-pip sudo pip3 install virtualenv virtualenv --...
Sourav Kannantha B's user avatar
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Ubuntu16.04 LTS dpkg: Error Proccessing Package

Good Day! Hello Everyong, I just wanted to ask for some help from the community on how to resolve this issue. I encountered this every time I tried to update or install a new application, such as PHP ...
Clinton Canarias's user avatar
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gcc: error: unrecognized command line option '-Wundef-prefix=HAVE_,CRAS_' Error

I have a chromebook for simple coding projects but am trying to open a linux desktop environment. After running the command sudo cp ~/Downloads/crouton /usr/local/ then after sudo sh ~/usr/local/...
Mahoroa's user avatar
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HAProxy stops proxying traffic, but doesn't crash or log

I have a long running HAProxy server that's proxying requests to 100+ applications and microservices. It's running on Ubuntu 16.04 and the output of haproxy -v is: HA-Proxy version 1.6.3 2015/12/25 ...
LucasY's user avatar
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mongodb/mongodb 1.8.0 requires ext-mongodb ^1.8.1 -> it is missing from your system. Install or enable PHP's mongodb extension

I am trying to deploy laravel project on the server (Ubuntu 16.04.7 LTS) with "mongodb/mongodb": "1.8.0" package, but it gives me an error mongodb/mongodb 1.8.0 requires ext-...
Aashir Haque's user avatar
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Issue with upgrading aws EC2 t2 machine to t3 or t3a

I have a few EC2 t2 instances, some of them are micro, and some are small and medium. All of these EC2 machines are accessible on port 22 via SSH. Following are the specifications of my t2 machines: ...
Vineet Yadav's user avatar
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sudo apt-get update is not working in ubuntu

sudo apt update is not working in ubuntu. I get this errors E: Type 'gpg' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list E: The list of sources could not be read. when I run ...
Nishita Undaviya's user avatar
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Unable to render Flask web-page

I am using Ubuntu 16.04. It had builtin Python 3.5. I was unable to download Flask in that version. So, I changed it to Anaconda Python3.8. However, I am unable to render any Flask page. The following ...
user366312's user avatar
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OTRS Mailfetching issue

I have issue with OTRS version 6 which is running on ubuntu 16.04. OTRS didn't fetch the mail properly whenever i tried to fetch the mail it through below error "
divya's user avatar
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Copy firefox password files from ubuntu 16.4 to ubuntu 20.4

I have Ubuntu 16.4 on my old laptop and it's not working. Now I get this error: Error: attempt to read or write outside of disk 'hd0' press any key to continue I have another laptop using Ubuntu 20....
0x0's user avatar
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Problem when installing Python from source, SSL package missing even though openssl installed

The Problem Trying to install Python-3.11.1 from source on Zorin OS (Ubuntu16 based) I get the following errors when I try to pip install any package into a newly created venv: python3.11 -m venv venv ...
Racid's user avatar
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How to have customers upload a image directly to my ubuntu16 server?

i have a html form for uploading images. i have a additional php file for the action. but the upload itself keeps failing what did i do wrong? here is the html form and the php HTML FORM : <form ...
Back2Basics's user avatar
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Mongodb Compass: Connection timed out

I installed Mongodb on my remote server using this documentation. I have Ubuntu 16.04 on my remote server. Mongodb got installed successfully. I added the user like this: use admin db.createUser( { ...
Saani's user avatar
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java.nio.file.Files.createDirectories not working for large volumes of directories in a linux filesystem

We are using Ubuntu server and Java 8 with Spring Boot 1.4.2 release with Docker deployment in Ubuntu. In a folder /home/tempAttachment there are 100 millions of directories and the code: public ...
chiku's user avatar
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How to get rid of gn gen error while building Chromium?

I have tried to find the cause for this particular error, but I cannot really understand how to get rid of it. k@k-virtual-machine:~/Documents/code/chromium/src$ gn gen out/Default ERROR at //chrome/...
unary's user avatar
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