I have added a git parameter plugin named as TAG, which is supposed to list all tags present in my Gitlab repository. I also have added default tag value as v1.0.0. There are other set of parameters too, like choice, string parameters which I use in my build script. When I choose build with parameters option, In the drop-down to list tags, it just shows a loader and after sometime shows error with a build timeout. enter image description here

Now, There is another jenkins server which also builds same build script and branch, which lists all tags correctly. Same version of jenkins is used in both ec2 : 2.346.1 and with same plugins. Only difference is in the type of ec2's. Here I use Ubuntu 16.04 and in other instance which build is fine uses arch.

I updated git version 2.7 to 2.34.1 which was the git version in the other instance which works correctly. I did so since its the only difference found in the build script logs and git seems too old. But this also doesn't seem to solve the issue. I am able to build, but every time to default version. Another thing I found is that, even the beginning stage logs of build seems too slow, to display in console output (4 mins), which normally is just git repo access operations.

I have also tried to access tags in my workspace, which correctly gets listed. All plugins used in jenkins are identical in both ec2's . I don't understand what I am missing here.

  • 1
    Have you considered a networking issue with traffic from your Jenkins server to the Git server? Validate your routing and security groups a configured properly. Commented May 22 at 10:39
  • Not yet. Haven't thought about networking side to come in play here. WIll consider that. Commented May 23 at 1:58