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Attempting to build php5.6 on Ubuintu 16.04

This has been a long path to upgrade a 5-year old server that is using a very old version of WordPress. The server has been running fine, but it's time to upgrade WordPress and port the site to an ...
po4599's user avatar
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Enable soap 7.0 on Ubuntu 16.04 with PHP 7.0 and PHP 7.4

I'm trying to enable soap, but there's no way. The thing is that I have PHP 7.4, which does not have php7.4-soap because it is not available for 16.04, but I also have php7.0 with php7.0-soap. When I ...
Sanchez9a's user avatar
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Apache2 is not starting,I am using Ubuntu 16.04

Unable to start Apache2 server after I modifed dir.conf file, even after changing it back to normal I modified /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/dir.conf and changed the order and wrote index.php in the first ...
Saptarshi das's user avatar
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How to add to apache or wildfly X-Forwarded-For?

I probably don't understand details of http/https communication. I have java aplication working on wildfly and apache. I need to set X-Forwarded-For as default header send by rest api from client to ...
NoIdeaMan's user avatar
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Java Apache2 Log File Permission Denied

I'm trying to read the apache2 custom log files in the /var/log/apache2/my_site/access.log in a Java program. But i get a permission denied Excpetion. The code is working on the Winows OS, i can read ...
Java User's user avatar
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apache2 This site can’t be reached when using php5.6

been working in ubuntu 16.04 and i have apache2 with php installed. all is good and i can switch version from php 7.0 - 7.4 without any issues. now i have to setup a project developed using php5.6. ...
mendz's user avatar
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What configuration do we need to for Rails 6.0.2 App to deploy in AWS EC2 instance?

I have an AWS EC2 instance, where I have deployed my rails application. RAILS - 6.0.2, Ruby - 2.6.6 & Apache2 + Passenger I have configured Apache2 & Passenger with the root folder till ...
Avi's user avatar
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Fix Ubuntu 16 sweet32 vulnerability

While doing PCI scan our ubuntu16 web servers with apache and nginx has marked failed against Birthday attacks against TLS ciphers with 64bit block size vulnerability (Sweet32). THREAT: Legacy ...
nisamudeen97's user avatar
-1 votes
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Laravel on Ubuntu and php7.4 I can see only page with files and folders

On Ubuntu I've installed Laravel and PHP. But when I type ip of my server in the browser I can see only files and folders. Ubuntu 16.04, php 7.4, apache2 This is my folder /var/www/html/myproj/: ...
Robert's user avatar
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How to redirect typeform webpage after submit button is clicked, embedded on personal website?

[Very new to setting up websites] I am running ubuntu and apache2 and have successfully embedded typeform survey in an html page hosted on a webserver. In the typeform survey I have a 'submit' ...
RustyShackleford's user avatar
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Apache server not working on public ip address

I installed apache2 on ubuntu 16.04. After installing apache when i tried to open apache2 default page using my ip address it is asking for password. I attached screen shot below. I followed this ...
aman's user avatar
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PHP-curl module disapers and comes back

I have installed the curl module(7.47.0) for PHP and enabled the support for curl. But when i use it, the module sometimes disappers and then comes back again. I can see the same thing in my phpinfo()...
Christian  H's user avatar
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500 Internal Server Error django + mod_wsgi + apache2 on ubuntu 16

I am trying to deploy my application on Ubuntu server i have done everything correct as far as i know but i am always getting the 500 internal server issue error. I have tried so many troubleshooting ...
Farhani Walid's user avatar
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Updating PHP packages on Ubuntu Server 16.04 fails

I'm using Google Cloud Compute Engine for our web servers. We run our webapps on PHP7.2 using Ondřej Surý’s PPA. We have a startup script to install all the required packages and doing the ...
user1013338's user avatar
5 votes
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How to map a subdomain to a tomcat 8 web application running on port 8086

I have a subdomain I have a java web application running in tomcat 8.5 on port 8086. In /opt/tomcat/conf/server.xml I have a virtual host defined like below. <Host name="...
wheels53's user avatar
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