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Questions tagged [python-3.7]

Version of the Python programming language released in June 27, 2018. For issues that are specific to Python 3.7. Use the more generic [python] and [python-3.x] tags where possible.

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How to prevent multiple nested calls of a python decorator

Hi All the following is my code: from functools import wraps def log_return(level='DEBUG', label='Returned'): """ Decorator for logging the return of a function level (...
Nick OZ's user avatar
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Depth Search between CFGs in BFS algorithm using python with LLVM IR

Context: I am trying to find out the depth between two CFGs using BFS but the code is not properly working as it's only showing the results up to depth 0 and 1 but it's not showing the other depths ...
tamanna's user avatar
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Can't install picos in Python 3.7

I am trying to solve a mathematical problem using python 3.7.0 . For this I've installed CPLEX 12.10 and I decided to install some dependencies, like numpy, prettytable and picos. Numpy and ...
Gabriel Cardoso's user avatar
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How to Integrate Gupshup with WhatsApp for One-to-One and Group Messaging, and Send Messages Through a Website?

I'm currently working on integrating Gupshup with WhatsApp for various messaging purposes. I'd like to achieve the following: Send one-to-one messages to WhatsApp users. Create a WhatsApp group and ...
Deeksha Agrawal's user avatar
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Can't install Pillow ver 6.0.0 at Python 3.7.9 on mac M1 (python installed by arch -x86_64)

First, my venv setting is under arch -x86_64(brew86, pyenv86, python 3.7.9_x86) but i couldn't install Pillow version 6.0.0 with this virtualenv. here is all console messages I've got.. Building ...
YanaKo's user avatar
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session Crashing: while installing python version 3.7 and transformers version 4.6.0 in Google Colab

I am working on a project for Meta Review Generation. I have picked my base paper as "MReD: A Meta-Review Dataset for Structure-Controllable Text Generation", the code and the data are give ...
Sourabh Garg's user avatar
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Cannot install required version of tensorflow-gpu

I am trying to install this Python package as per the instructions, resulting in this error: ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tensorflow-gpu==2.5.0 (from rascore) (from ...
Jenni's user avatar
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App Route with two parameters quit working with updated dependencies

I recently updated to a new version of flask/python/google app engine. I have the controller below. @app.route('/area/entity/<int:video_id>/subentity/<int:collection_id>/', methods=['POST']...
ffejrekaburb's user avatar
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ChatterBot not installed on IDLE 3.7.9

I've installed ChatterBot 1.0.0 (due to the unavailability of the other versions) with pip: pip install chatterbot==1.0.0 and for some reason, IDLE is returning with this output: Traceback (most ...
ThatRandomGuy's user avatar
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Python 3.7 equivalent of `importlib.resources.files`

I have an application that unfortunately does not support Python past 3.7. I have some code I'm trying to port (from Python 3.12) back to Python 3.7 that uses importlib.resources.files to get the path ...
Jason C's user avatar
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Python VLC Pathing Issues On Windows 11

So I am running into the following error when trying to import the VLC library into Python. I am fairly new to Python, so any detailed help would be appreciated. This is on Windows 11. I have done the ...
J Smith's user avatar
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Having multiple issues for installation of Multiple version of Python

I have three versions of python 3.9.11 3.11.8 3.12.2 I have installed all the versions. Now when I am trying to check all the versions of python I installed using commands py -0 #Doesn't Working ...
Abhishek's user avatar
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Fitsio Python Package Import Error - undefined symbol: fits_use_standard_strings

I am trying to import fitsio version 1.2.1 on python 3.7.0. However, I receive the following error "ImportError: /home/apc44/anaconda3/envs/pylab_py37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fitsio/...
user23669209's user avatar
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Unable to import BatchNormalization from tensorflow.python.keras.layers

I am trying to run a project. My TensorFlow version is 2.9.2. I need to import BatchNormalization, but I cannot import it. Here is the error message: AttributeError: module 'tensorflow.python.keras....
vic's user avatar
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Using caused script to hang

First time asking a question here. So I have been task to create a script that checks if a device is reachable via ping. Just liek to point out that I was able to create a working script on my laptop ...
whitemilkfish's user avatar

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