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Questions tagged [jenkins]

Jenkins is an open source continuous integration tool written in Java, that has packages for Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, FreeBSD and OpenBSD. The project was forked from Hudson.

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Jenkins: the env vars MAVEN_OPTS and MAVEN_ARGS are ignored by Maven

On Jenkins, Maven ignores the environment variables MAVEN_OPTS and MAVEN_ARGS that I set in the same pipeline. Here the code I use: pipeline { agent { docker { ...
Andrea Borgogelli Avveduti's user avatar
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Getting "ErrorAction$ErrorId: edf4f356-929c-4720-a57f-b2bdef027f2c" error from Jenkins when trying to extract information from a child job

I have a use case where I want to extract information from a Child job in the parent job. This is my pipeline script: pipeline { agent any stages { stage('Validate Other Job') { ...
QualityMatters's user avatar
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Map variable becomes null when manipulated as part of a Jenkins pipeline

I'm building a Jenkins pipeline, and I have this method: private Map processServerMapping(Map serverMapping, List newVersions) { def currentVersions = serverMapping.values().toSet() def ...
Anton Asserzon's user avatar
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Jenkins agent with custom docker image is not running. Error: "Container is not running"

Summary: On raspberry pi, linux debian, when i try use jenkins agent image "jenkins/agent:jdk11" it works fine. But if i try pull my own image from dockerhub (literraly the same), it give me ...
tomek19991999's user avatar
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How to upgrade Jenkins which is running in a docker container withour losing any data?

So the problem is my Jenkins is running on a docker container and that Jenkins needs update. So that cannot happen while this Jenkins is running. If I download the latest Jenkins image , I will have ...
jaqen_hgar's user avatar
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Jenkins Master slave Architecture setup : SSH Connection failed with IOException: "Connect timed out", retrying in 15 seconds

enter image description here Getting this error , when trying to connect slave instance to master instance in Jenkins Looking for Fixes for above Issue SSH is working when trying to connect parent to ...
Nidhi Singh's user avatar
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How to run a closure that returns a value in parallel in Jenkins pipeline?

I want to check if I can delete some of our AWS EBS snapshots that meet a certain criteria. However, since we have a LOT of snapshots, I don't want to iterate one-by-one, and instead perform the check ...
Chris F's user avatar
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What is Google Drive's URI for uploading files

I am new to Google Drives and Cloud, with respect to automation. My company wants me to upload to their Google Drives location, NOT in Google Cloud Services buckets. I am planning on doing this with ...
Caolan's user avatar
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Error while Jenkins Deploy : Unable to open root Jar file 'war:file:/apps/MYBOOTApp.jar*/BOOT-INF/lib/spring-webmvc-6.1.8.jar'

Getting Below error only while deploying it through Jenkins. App runs Fine in Local Recently upgraded to springboot 3.3.0 , JDK 17 Jenkins build is successful but deploy fails Checked spring-webmvc-6....
Sanjeev Kumar's user avatar
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Validation to Jenkins/Ansible framework

I am handling patching through a combination of Jenkins and ansible. Jenkins calls ansible scripts for each tool and performs stop and start before the patching scripts. What is the best way to add ...
real_name_hidden's user avatar
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Jenkins withcredentials

I have a script which contains git clone, however I saved the credentials using jenkins UI under jenkins credentials so whenever I check out normally I use withcredential, so how can I run the script ...
newjenkinsuser's user avatar
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Error during SonarScanner execution in Jenkins

I’m trying to integrate sonar with jenkins, but the task execution are returning sonar scanner error. Server version: sonarqube:7.9.2-community Scanner version: 4.6.2 I’v tried jdk, 11, 15, 17 and 21. ...
matheus Lima's user avatar
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Jenkins on EKS, mount EFS in DIND

I am running Jenkins master and agents on K8S. Some of CI workloads require a docker image to be build and pushed to ECR. I installed Jenkins using its Helm chart and running the DIND agent as a ...
Doug's user avatar
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Using a shared library in a declarative Jenkins pipeline

I have a declarative pipeline that I want to use classes from a a shared library in. I have declared a libraries block as follows: libraries { lib('app-engine-jenkins-lib') } … but I do not know ...
Martin Smithson's user avatar
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jenkins not exposing in browser in custom nat network

I had configured my vagrantfile with my custom nat network for some use to connect the remote servers but the problem is I am not able to access the jenkins at port 8080 on browser debug trials done: ...
Jasvinder singh's user avatar

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