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Questions tagged [testing]

Software testing is any activity aimed at evaluating an attribute or capability of a program or system and determining that it meets its required results.

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Node not found with androidTests despite tagging

I'm rendering UI composables conditionally, based on UiState, however, tagging composables at the root with testTag doesn't make them findable in instrumentation tests. Error: java.lang....
Alexandru Gheorghe's user avatar
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Selenium webpage data missing

When running a selenium test I am running into an issue wherein sometimes I can see the data element present in UI but when seeing the element on inspect in dev mode I do not see the related data ...
Ishita's user avatar
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How to ignore lines of code from coverage in vitest?

I have my unit tests setup with vitest and I am looking for a way to ignore specific lines of code from vitest coverage. Looking for something similar to /* istanbul ignore next */. Is there something ...
Techno Verse's user avatar
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Cypress test on github action is not failing as expected

I'm building a CI with github action and I want to run a login attempt test, there are two specs, the first makes the attempt (where it blocks for 10 minutes for the next attempt) and the other checks ...
Luiz Henrique's user avatar
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Error excecuting test on rapise with firefox or chrome

im trying to excectue a test on rapise, but i get this error.. Expected browser binary location, but unable to find binary in default location, no 'moz:firefoxOptions.binary' capability provided, and ...
Esteban Mendez's user avatar
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Cucumber is not showing number of scenarios and steps passed or falied

`I am learning Cucumber. I am following the 10 minutes tutorial. According with the tutorial, I should see: Failed scenarios: hellocucumber/is_it_friday_yet.feature:4 # Sunday isn't Friday 1 Scenarios ...
Nicolás Bonder's user avatar
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ArchRule fails on proper test

I have test @ArchTest public static final ArchRule daoShouldBeUsedOnlyByHelper = theClass(SegmentDAO.class).should() .onlyBeAccessed() .byClassesThat(simpleName(SegmentHelper.class....
thomas113412's user avatar
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2 answers

Angular Radio Group [(ngModel)] value not updating in jasmine test

I have this html code in my component <mat-radio-group aria-label="Select an option" [(ngModel)]="searchType" (change)="changeSearchType()" class="form-row"&...
Christèle Legeard's user avatar
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BrowserStack QA query - Is it possible to click in two places at once on one device?

A bit of context, I'm a QA and the role I work in currently requires us to check if two buttons can be tapped on at the same time. Web based, through a variety of browsers. E.g: our content has a two ...
Sam Hill's user avatar
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infored that method in the coVerify{} was not called, but the method was called actually

@Test fun `test save function`(): Unit = runBlocking { mongoCollection = mockk(relaxed = true) coEvery { MongoConnection.getCollection<FunctionDO>("functions") } ...
LLOPO's user avatar
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Issues with useContext when testing in React

im trying to do some testing on some of my react components. Its been mostly successful but I keep getting errors in some of my components with the useContext hook. Im trying to run a test on a Search ...
Adam's user avatar
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How can we effectively manage writing SELinux policies for our app?

We are currently developing the SELinux policy for our application, but we are encountering significant challenges in managing it effectively. Here's our approach so far: We run our app in SELinux ...
Victor Ronin's user avatar
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How to address the Compose UI negative impacts on the Code Coverage, even after writing tests for it?

I recently migrated my Android pet project from View to Compose UI and at the begining I was excited about all the @Compose and @Preview functions but righ away noticed a segnificant drop in the repo'...
Mohsen Mirhoseini's user avatar
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I can't run my flutter project with Android Emulator, Randomly give me Error only white screen appear

When Run my App with Emulator , Most Of the time give me this error. I am adding image for both console and emulator. If anyone knows why this problem is happening. Give me your Solution. E/...
Md Eusuf Uddin's user avatar
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How to make predictions on un-labeled test data using j48 in weka(3.9.0)?

I have tried converting all the files (training, labeled test data and un-labeled test data) prefereably in arff format and it is working good for my labelled test data. But for unlabelled test data ...
Ayesha Asim's user avatar

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