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Questions tagged [gui-testing]

gui-testing (Graphical user interface testing) is a type of software testing that focuses on graphical user interfaces.

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Migration of UI test cases of a desktop application to Azure virtual machine scale set from Azure virtual machine

I am trying to migrate UI test cases of a desktop application to Azure virtual machine scale set. I am using C# and Winapp driver to automate UI testcases on a desktop application. When I am running ...
Anushka Singh's user avatar
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Best Practices for Using testTag in Jetpack Compose

I’m currently exploring best practices for UI testing in Compose and noticed the use of testTag for component identification. While I understand its utility for stable UI tests, I'm concerned about ...
Ayush Shrivastava's user avatar
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How to address the Compose UI negative impacts on the Code Coverage, even after writing tests for it?

I recently migrated my Android pet project from View to Compose UI and at the begining I was excited about all the @Compose and @Preview functions but righ away noticed a segnificant drop in the repo'...
Mohsen Mirhoseini's user avatar
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Espresso UI Tests Fail to Display Components with 0dp Width or Height in ConstraintLayout

I am encountering an issue with my Android application's UI tests using Espresso. When I run a UI test, almost nothing is visible on the screen. However, when I normally launch the application on a ...
Taras Stavnychyi's user avatar
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Selenide opens https instead of http which I defined explicitly

I am trying to run selenide tests in chrome browser (version 125...). I use IntelliJ to run tests that is why I set up VM options: Dselenide.baseUrl= But when tests are starting to ...
Alina Penkina's user avatar
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How do I pass the correct driver of a failed (java) selenium test to a testng ITestListener, when running multiple tests?

I have a TestListener class, which implements ITestListener, which is responsible for taking pictures and saving the html if a selenium test fails. My selenium tests have a parent class BaseTest, ...
alabastor95's user avatar
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Mixed compose XML layout using UI androidTest unable to move between objects

We are slowly adding Compose to our app one page/fragment at a time. I have a page that is mostly compose except the Top Bar. In my androidTest UI test I go from home to my second page which is all ...
JPM's user avatar
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Test a slider on Compose Multiplatform UI

I have to test a Compose Multiplatform desktop application. In the code I have a composable item: Slider(modifier = Modifier.testTag("myslider")) How can I change its value in my test? I ...
AstFreelancer's user avatar
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createComposeRule() for another file while testing Compose Multiplatform UI

I have a desktop app. Its source code is a lot of composable functions in separate *.kt files, for example @Composable fun MyView() ... And now I have to write an UI test for these functions in ...
AstFreelancer's user avatar
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How to programatically set appID for Maestro tests based on platform

How do I change the appID based on a parameter passed on the command line when running Maestro tests? I'm aware that it's possible to set the app ID for a maestro test suite based on an env variable (...
user650309's user avatar
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MaterialButtonToggleGroup Toggles Not Visible During Android Espresso Tests

I'm working on an Android application that uses Material Design components extensively. The app runs perfectly fine under normal conditions, with all UI elements including MaterialButtonToggleGroup ...
Ulk_'s user avatar
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Possible to set up Android Compose UI testing without passing the composeTestRule around?

I want to be able to wrap compose test code so my tests are easier to write and look cleaner. Unfortunately, and as far as I can tell, compose testing needs the composeTestRule variable to find ...
Zeek Aran's user avatar
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Is there any way to run UITests with out launching iOS Simulator

I have been trying to find a solution to run UI Tests for iOS projects without launching the iOS Simulator. My intention is to run xcodebuild command from Terminal for CI pipeline but without ...
Trident's user avatar
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Cannot interact with GUI element with WinAppDriver in Azure pipeline

I'm new with Appium and WinAppDriver. I'm using .NET MAUI blazor webview to create app in different platforms (IOS, Andriod and Windows) thus not in XAML. And I try to write UI test in NUnit with ...
congying pan's user avatar
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Is it possible to write ui tests/preview with Glance Compose?

I have started to implement widgets by using Glance library, I am quite new to Glance and would like to use Preview annotation and write some ui tests is it possible? I could not find much source. ...
salih suat kükrer's user avatar

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