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Questions tagged [android-jetpack-compose-ui]

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Execute automated tests based on changes in branch

currently I have an Android(Kotlin) and iOS(swift) App which uses XCUITest for IOS functional tests and CompuseUI for Android functional tests. As the codebase grows, so do our tests, I'm wondering if ...
Codr's user avatar
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How to address the Compose UI negative impacts on the Code Coverage, even after writing tests for it?

I recently migrated my Android pet project from View to Compose UI and at the begining I was excited about all the @Compose and @Preview functions but righ away noticed a segnificant drop in the repo'...
Mohsen Mirhoseini's user avatar
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KMP Compose UI Play Video File

I have Kotlin multiplatform project and I want to play local video on the screen. My KMP project is Desktop only, so I don't have to worry about iOS and Android. Video is located locally at my PC, so ...
Bojann's user avatar
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3 votes
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Is there a way to use LazyRow to set the height of each child Composable to match the height of the tallest child Composable?

I'm trying to create a UI in Jetpack Compose where each child Composable has the same height as the tallest child Composable. Initially, I implemented this using Row and IntrinsicSize, but I noticed ...
user25428584's user avatar
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Exposing ComposeApp to additional iOS targets

I started a new Kotlin multiplatform app (using the Kotlin Multiplatform Wizard). I created an iOS Widget, resulting in two targets: the App and the Widget. I shared some of the App's files with the ...
Rado's user avatar
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Adaptive Layout for all Screen sizes in Android Jetpack Compose

Login Page : [![@OptIn(ExperimentalMaterial3Api::class) @Composable fun LoginPage(navController: NavController) { val context = LocalContext.current val homeScreen = remember { ...
SasidharanIOS's user avatar
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How to clear previously selected items in Navigation Drawer (Jetpack Compose)

I have navigation drawer with multiple menu Items. When I click on any item it gets selected (Inbox) with highlighted color . After that if I click some other items (flagged Mail) it also gets ...
Ashish singh's user avatar
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Android Jetpack Compose Animation on Text not working

I am trying to animate textview with below code but upon testing on emulator, the textview does not animate the way it expected. Here is my existing code which i am trying on Fragment. ...
kNN's user avatar
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Jetpack compose UI support for different screen sizes and Image crop from the top

@Composable fun MyScreen() { Column( modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(), horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally ) { Image( painter = ...
AndroidDev's user avatar
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Compose Text is not showing as center inside the Box when outer parent is being used fixed size

Below is my Compose UI Code. Card(Modifier.height(150.dp) .weight(1.0F)) { Box (modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(), contentAlignment = Alignment.Center){ ...
Herry's user avatar
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4 answers

how to tell the UI to change the Values to a computed property

usually in iOS i will do a didSet but Kotlin does not provide the same, how can I do Such a thing. ` val dnValues = stringArrayResource(R.array.dn_values_array) val pnValuesSteel = ...
Mahameed's user avatar
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Properly resize Jetpack Compose Material3 SearchBar

I am using the SearchBar from androidx.compose.material3:material3:1.2.0-alpha10 and have made it smaller in height unsing Modifier. The problem is that it does not scale properly and I end up cutting ...
Maddin's user avatar
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Blank Fragment shown on activity restart/config change in compose TabRow

I am trying to implement TabRow in compose with existing fragments being shown in FragmentContainerView. When the child fragments are added to the activity/host fragments they work fine. But upon ...
coolswap11's user avatar
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Floating Search Results Using Jetpack Compose

I'm trying to create a searching UI using Jetpack Compose. When the user would make an edit in the TextField, the search results matching the text query would appear in a floating list below the ...
Syfur's user avatar
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UiState.copy lambda not returning UiState object

I'm trying to set up a ViewModel but I'm having trouble updating UiState fields. The UiState.copy() function should return a modified UiState object but just returns unit. I expect the value to change ...
nBrrr's user avatar
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