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Testcafe how to test dynamic url popup window that is dependat on previous tab still being opened

I am testing a payment checkout. The normal flow is that you press a button with a dynamic url (href="javascript;:"), a popup window opens up, you enter the payment details and accept, when ...
4 votes
5 answers

Testcafe example to assert file download

I want to write a fixture to simulate the export file and make sure a file is downloaded from browser actions. any example? NA
0 votes
1 answer

Cypress - Office365 Redirect causes the test to hang on 'Tests are loading'

I am writing a test where user goes to the Settings page of our application, then clicks on 'Connect Calendar'. This opens a new tab and user is on a Cronofy connection page, then I click on 'Office ...
3 votes
1 answer

Mocking back-end 3rd-party calls in Sveltekit + Playwright

This is a fairly high-level question regarding design patterns/best practices when developing end-to-end tests in SvelteKit+Playwright: What is the recommended way of ensuring that any back-end code ...
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0 answers

End to end testing for a pipeline involving multiple nodes

Context: I have a pipeline for getting the metrics from all the hosts system which are spread across different sites. Each site has a gateway node (let's refer it as site gateway) and all the site ...
0 votes
0 answers

When using cucumber in androidTest I have no access to classes in main folder

I use Cucumber for my android tests (in 'androidTest' folder). I start a test of a feature file. During the test (cucumber-step) I call a function which is located in the 'main' folder and not in the '...
2 votes
1 answer

NestJS E2E tests don't clean up main database connection after closing

Goal When a NestJS E2E test stops, do not display the following message: Jest did not exit one second after the test run has completed. This usually means that there are asynchronous operations that ...
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1 answer

How to allow a browser permission in NightWatch.js tests?

I'm using NightWatch.js to build e2e tests. One of my tests requires to grant the Chrome browser's microphone permission. When I run this test, I get a permission notification from the Chrome browser ...
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1 answer

I can't get full chrome browser console logs in the NightWatch.js test

I'm trying to get full browser console logs in the NightWatch.js test. This is my test script. module.exports = { 'Console Log Test': function (browser) { browser // Navigate ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to fix flaky test on Playwright?

Hi I have this app that I'm testing. The app itself will fill the value and click the button to provide the data on table. However, in reality it takes more than 40 seconds to load the data itself so ...
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0 answers

Multiple API testing e2e with different bodies and responses

We have what we call an aggregator in our company, basically we have more than 15 APIs, all which have different headers, bodies and also expect different responses. We aggregate and consume those ...
3 votes
1 answer

TestCafe does not write in text input field

I'm using TestCafe for test automation of a web application based on the Wicket framework. I try to type text into a text input field ... well, actually it is a dropdown list, where a text input field ...
1 vote
3 answers

need to mock POST request in cypress

UPDATED 9/16: I've reworded my question. I'm trying to use cypress to test a work application that has an Angular frontend(http://localhost:4200) and a .NET Core backend (http://localhost:5000). When ...
0 votes
1 answer

Pact testing issue in Windows machine

While runing the pact testing in my Nextjs spa app, am facing the pact testing issue in windows machine error : [email protected]: Pact Binary Error: ..\node_modules@pact-foundation\pact\node_modules@...
1 vote
1 answer

Modal / Pop-up window does not appear in Cypress [closed]

I have a page that when you visit the site, a modal / dialog window appears. However, when I am running it via Cypress, it does not seem to appear on the runner. Sample code: cy.visit('http://demo-...

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