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Questions tagged [e2e-testing]

End-to-end testing is a methodology used to test whether the flow of an application is performing as designed from start to finish. The purpose of carrying out end-to-end tests is to identify system dependencies and to ensure that the right information is passed between various system components and systems.

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Selenium JavaScript - cannot continue loop of events after opening and closing new tab

I'm building an automated E2E test for an application that lists a bunch of properties. The way I want this flow to work is: Homepage is a list of properties with links to individual property ...
Evelyn Nguyen's user avatar
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Content not injected in app-root when using Cypress

I started to implement end to end testing to my Angular app, but when running the tests, my app is not visible on the browser opened by Cypress. The content is not injected by the router as far as I ...
decebal's user avatar
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Testcafe how to test dynamic url popup window that is dependat on previous tab still being opened

I am testing a payment checkout. The normal flow is that you press a button with a dynamic url (href="javascript;:"), a popup window opens up, you enter the payment details and accept, when ...
Nermin's user avatar
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How do I call a function in for E2E test automation?

I am in a QA bootcamp (Coding Temple) and I am working on an assignment where we take pseudo code and turn it into an automated test using javaScript functions in cypress. However, I just cannot get ...
Immaculate Leila's user avatar
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ts-jest nestjs Cannot read properties of undefined of an enum

I'm creating an application using NestJS and using ts-jest for e2e testing. This is my code repository: I have one controller with the following logic: @...
Redplane's user avatar
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How to mock Nest.js nested module

I'm working on e2e test for Nestjs app, one of the modules is using module. I'm stuck with mocking it. I can't figure out how to mock S3 client injected ...
AlexanderT's user avatar
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How to test nfc flows e2e on real mobile devices automated

I like to write a test for an ios/android app which needs a NFC card for a login auth. Ive searched a lot online and all answers at the end are like: it isnt possible to mock or fake. I ask me now, ...
CamelCase's user avatar
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Playwright - Page elements hierarchy [closed]

An HTML page is essentially a hierarchy of nested nodes. For example, I might have a panel that displays a dialog containing a form, and within that form, a confirmation button. When locating this ...
lmanske's user avatar
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Playwright test failing: props return different values in Playwright testing UI and actual React app on Chrome browser

I am creating an e2e testing for my application using Playwright (version 1.44.1). I have a react 18 application (created with Vite) for a blogs app. When I run the application the UI shows correct ...
qqq's user avatar
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Cypress - Office365 Redirect causes the test to hang on 'Tests are loading'

I am writing a test where user goes to the Settings page of our application, then clicks on 'Connect Calendar'. This opens a new tab and user is on a Cronofy connection page, then I click on 'Office ...
Michel12's user avatar
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Wait until text appears in the text box

I need to wait until text appears in the text box in my application. The problem is, text usually loads from 1 to 5 seconds, sometimes more, and some text boxes don't contain text, which makes it ...
TotalDistruct's user avatar
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Testcafe 3+ throws 'Uncaught Object was thrown. ...Throw error instead.' using typeText on a field that already has text

We use Testcafe for frontend test automation on a Vue app. After upgrading to version 3.6 from 2.6.1, the typeText method throws an obscure error when typing text into a field that is auto-populated ...
aferro72's user avatar
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Running Cypress E2E Tests with Docker Compose in GitHub Actions - Facing Communication Issues

I'm trying to run my end-to-end (e2e) tests written with Cypress in a GitHub Actions workflow. My backend and databases are managed using Docker Compose. In my e2e test my Angular frontend is trying ...
abus's user avatar
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Handling [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM] Error in Mocha Tests with TypeScript Compilation

I’m integrating end-to-end tests into my Angular project and using a stack that includes Selenium, Chai, and Mocha. Since Mocha requires JavaScript, I compile my TypeScript files into JavaScript with ...
Mayumi Tamura's user avatar
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BigCommerce - How to Disable/Bypass reCAPTCHA for automation on testing environment?

I'm currently working on automating end-to-end (E2E) tests for a BigCommerce - web application that uses Google reCAPTCHA. Here are the specifics of my setup: Web application: based on BigCommerce ...
SimoneB's user avatar
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