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Questions tagged [functional-testing]

Functional testing is a quality assurance (QA) process and a type of black box testing that bases its test cases on the specifications of the software component under test.

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Entity Framework Core in memory reading wrong data type

My functional tests use Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.InMemory version 7.0.20. When I run the functional tests for any entity that has a dateonly field, I get an error: Expression of type 'System....
Dovid Rabinowitz's user avatar
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MSTest Serilog Console issue

I have a library C# project which has services written. This is using serilog and able to print serilogs on console during normal execution. But when I am using same library within my functional test ...
Himanshu Garg's user avatar
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C# Functional Test Automation via CI/CD

I have a C#.NET-based solution for a console application, which includes two projects: "hotel" and "library." The "hotel" project initiates execution and utilizes ...
Himanshu Garg's user avatar
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get php version which codeception tests are running

I'm trying to upgrade my project's php version from php 7.4 to php 8.1, Now I changed the php version in my composer.json to php 8.1 like that: "require": { "php": "^8.1&...
Umar Sheikh Salem's user avatar
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Is it possible to integrate functional test case with Sonarqube and get the coverage?

I have a requirement to capture the code coverage of my selenium tests to the amount of source code in the server code (web application source code) covered. But our functional tests are in different ...
Mohan L's user avatar
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I need to make a fuctional test

Context about the test: I ask the player to move (which he does not have to do, because it is configured so that he does not do that), and that if the test is not equal to the movement coordinates, ...
Tony Redgrave's user avatar
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Codeception functional test on Symfony 7.0 error There is currently no session available

I am using Symfony 7.0 and Codeception for running various tests with the fallowing packages: "require-dev": { "codeception/codeception": "^5.1.2", &...
bytzu's user avatar
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Cypress e2e test can't access app url in GitHub Actions

I am trying to set up an e2e test in my app using Cypress and GitHub Actions. The tests pass in local with no issue but, when I push to GitHub and consequently run the tests, they don't anymore. The ...
Pierre Fraisse's user avatar
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How to fix flaky test on Playwright?

Hi I have this app that I'm testing. The app itself will fill the value and click the button to provide the data on table. However, in reality it takes more than 40 seconds to load the data itself so ...
Chukchak's user avatar
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How to functionally test an app that has a GUI and also CLI

How should I functionally test an app from which you can execute its functionalities either through the GUI or through CLI? If I make changes to a functionality, lets say "Read a file"; ...
Carlos J. Jimenez's user avatar
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jest tests prisma error 'Foreign key constraint failed on the field: `ResetPasswordToken_userId_fkey (index)`' while testing nest app

I have a problem while performing functional tests on nest app. Testing app is builded with nest Test.createTestingModule. describe('createResetPasswordToken', () => { it('should create reset ...
user23303868's user avatar
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Create JUnit tests for a card validating method

I created a Java method that takes a card number and an expiry date and validates the card. I used Luhn's algorithm for validating the card number. public static boolean isValidCreditCard(String ...
Adrian Floroiu's user avatar
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java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/mockito/Mockito at edu.ncsu.csc326.coffeemaker.CoffeeMakerTest.setUp(

package edu.ncsu.csc326.coffeemaker; public interface RecipeBook { public Recipe[] getRecipes(); public boolean addRecipe(Recipe r); public String deleteRecipe(int ...
aditya's user avatar
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How to write functional tests for a slack app

We have a slack app. The slack app has a lot of functionalities. We have used Sprint boot as the backend. We did not use any slack app library and all slack events are listened at our backend by ...
bong_coder's user avatar
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Difference between functional and regression test cases

I am aware of the definition of functional and regression test case. But I am not able to distinguish which test case should fall in functional and which one should fall in regression test. For ...
nayak0765's user avatar
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