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Questions tagged [sveltekit]

[SvelteKit]( is a framework for building fullstack web applications with the Svelte framework.

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Tailwind max-w-[number] not working past a certain point

My stack is Svelte 5 / Sveltekit / Tailwind / Daisy UI I have a svelte component that uses a Daisy UI card and I am unable to get tailwind max-w-[number] class to work past a certain point to increase ...
NickyLarson's user avatar
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passport.deserializeUser function never getting called

Passport's deserialization just does not work no matter what I do. This is my passport.js: const passport = require('passport'); const GoogleStrategy = require('passport-google-oauth20').Strategy; ...
hypedstan's user avatar
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How do I get sveltekit +page.server.ts data into a svelte component?

I have a svelte component that displays a form using and is setup as follows: routes/ ├─ blog/ ├── +page.server.ts ├── +page.svelte ├── component.svelte My experience is that ...
HBCondo's user avatar
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"args"' does not exist in type 'StoryProps'

I am using storybook with svelkit, and i got this error with latest storybook update that args does not exist in type StoryProps, Here is my storybook code, error is in when i am making story with ...
Gourav Saini's user avatar
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how to make Bun keyword available in sveltekit

I'm using bun to run sveltekit app, and trying to write file with Bun API Bun.write(pathname, new Uint8Array(await file.arrayBuffer())) And it seems sveltekit won't regonize Bun variable. So how ...
angry kiwi's user avatar
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How can I programmatically generate SvelteKit routes?

I've been working on a simple CMS with SvelteKit. I want authenticated users to be able to create new pages or layouts within the application. I'm not sure if this would require the actual generation ...
Sam Sabin's user avatar
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Session data seemingly not being sent from Express js server to Sveltekit client

everyone, so I finished building my web application and I deployed my server and frontend separately. So the problem seems to be that my server is not sending the session data to the client (that's ...
hypedstan's user avatar
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How to pass a JWT through an Authorization header to +page.server.ts in SvelteKit

Recently I started developing my first big webapp project and I've decided I want to build it with SvelteKit. After some research I have discovered about authorization and authentication and I have ...
standard's user avatar
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No longer able to import $lib files - ENOENT: no such file or directory

In my Svelte 5 / Sveltekit project, when I npm run build, I get the following error: [vite:load-fallback] Could not load "path\to\project\frontend\src\lib/types/pocketbase": (imported by src/...
NickyLarson's user avatar
1 vote
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SvelteKit is not storing cookies when doing a request inside of the `load` function

In my SvelteKit site I do a request to my backend inside of the LayoutServerLoad function, in +layout.server.ts. Namely when the site is opened with an ?affiliate_id=bla query parameter, I want to ...
Kevin Renskers's user avatar
2 votes
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Sveltekit Prop shows for a second then goes away

I'm definitely very new to this so apologies if it's a simple answer. // treatment.js import { writable } from 'svelte/store'; export const treatment_uuid = writable(''); export const treatment_name =...
user3565485's user avatar
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Svelte head components NOT rendered from Svelte-Kit server

Components inside <svelte:head> is not rendered by SSR. Steps to Reproduce Set up a basic svelte app using the following steps: npm create svelte@latest my-app cd my-app npm install npm run ...
RajdeepPal's user avatar
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How can I deploy SvelteKit IO app with two ports?

I'm using the SvelteKit IO library for sockets in my SvelteKit application. My main application, when built, runs on port 4173. My socket runs on 3001. Here's the SKIO setup code: I can't change 3001 ...
Safwan Samsudeen's user avatar
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How do I create an inline Higher Order Component in SvelteKit 2.5?

I'm asking in general, but I'll give you an example use-case. On a particular page I'm building, I'm using the Helper component from Flowbite-Svelte. I keep finding myself using <Helper color="...
Tyler Collier's user avatar
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Sveltekit + Redis on docker-compose [duplicate]

I tried having a Sveltekit app with redis running on docker-compose (which was running just fine on the host machine without docker) I tried with this docker-compose.yml: version: '3.8' services: ...
Sebastiano's user avatar

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