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Questions tagged [spring]

The Spring Framework is an open-source framework for application development on the Java platform. At its core is rich support for component-based architectures, and it currently has over twenty highly integrated modules. For Spring Boot related questions, also include the tag [spring-boot].

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Spring's issue with RedisTemplate beans having the same name

Why is it that manually declaring a RedisTemplate bean with the same name as the RedisTemplate provided by Spring does not conflict, and can correctly obtain the bean declared by oneself for use. When ...
inf's user avatar
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Why my rest api call is slow while reading and writing to a file

I am trying to upload an inputstream using below code @PutMapping(value="/fileupload", consumes={MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM_VALUE} pubic ResponseEntity<String> uploadFIle(...
NewLearner's user avatar
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Column <name> is of type json but expression is of type smallint[]

There is field of json type in postgres db named data_processing_steps. It's defined in category entity as @Type(JsonType.class) @Column(columnDefinition = "json") private Set<...
Lesha Pipiev's user avatar
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Reactive Spring webflux vs Threadpool

I have a rest spring application which makes external API calls to other internal services. This is a high load/concurrency app where it gets 100s of request per second. I am using Spring webClient (...
Sagar's user avatar
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Spring Oauth2 Social Login with multiple Tenants with Different Behaviors

I am looking to add Oauth2 login to my spring boot application, but wasn't sure how to handle the following requirements: To have Social login enabled to allow users to access my application's ...
user25456185's user avatar
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JPA repository findBy return different result when using H2 and MySQL

This is the simply version of my application. I have 2 entity. package com.udacity.jdnd.course3.critter.user; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import com.udacity.jdnd....
user26256859's user avatar
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Spring WebFlux and Thymeleaf do not seen to be properly working together

I have a REST API developed in Java using Spring WebFlux, and I want to add a simple web interface (login and registration form), so that when you log in you get a Java Web Token, which allows you to ...
manucano8's user avatar
-1 votes
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Error creating 2 database users in SpringBoot3 app with Liquibase

I am trying to create an app with SpringBoot3, Hibernate and Liquibase. For now I have just implemented the liquibase part and wanted to get it working before adding business logic. The app defines 2 ...
Akash Sharma's user avatar
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Error while downloading ''

enter image description hereI am getting this error while calling context:component-scan Error while downloading '' to 'C:\Users\...
Dilip Yadav's user avatar
-1 votes
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Accessing response headers in SyncGraphQlClientInterceptor

This question was originally asked on github issues. Posted here in hopes of getting an answer. Please tell me is it possible to somehow get information about response headers in ...
morohon's user avatar
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Create Statement in Spring Data Cassandra

How can I create a Statement using Spring Data Cassandra in a way that spring would handle type conversion as well? If I have a simple query with simple types, I could write something like this: ...
Soheil Rahsaz's user avatar
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[spring-boot]open api can't be stored in mysql database

bonjour, I have a unsolvable problem ... help me I downloaded XML open api file and parsed that in spring boot. Even though mysql db was successfully connected, data wasn't stored in my db table. Only ...
김렁뚱땅's user avatar
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How to use @RequestParam array for multiple data types?

I'm building a Spring Boot Controller with a @RequestParam array. The thing is, the input will be a mix of Image upload (new image) and String (Existing image's id) in the request's body as FormData. ...
Karthikeyan K's user avatar
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Spring Batch - Using ClassifierCompositeItemWriter - how to avoid writting headers when file is empty (no data)

I went through Is there a way to override and not execute the headerCallBack in Spring Batch, but still not clear on the solution. I'm using Spring XML based approach in my project. I'm using ...
Prateek's user avatar
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How to make have an optional value in Spring's application.propertties?

I have a Spring Boot 3.3 application that accesses a MongoDB service. The application is deployed as a Container image to various stages. At some stages, using a username / password to connect to ...
Christoph Dahlen's user avatar

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