How can I create a Statement using Spring Data Cassandra in a way that spring would handle type conversion as well?

If I have a simple query with simple types, I could write something like this:

SimpleStatement.newInstance("UPDATE User SET name = ? WHERE id = ?", "Soheil", 1);

But when I have a UserDefinedType and I want to create a more complex query, Say table User has a field pictures with type of List<frozen<MyPicture>>, and I want to append to this list using this query:

List<MyPicture> pictures = ...;
SimpleStatement.newInstance("UPDATE User SET profilePictures = profilePictures + ? WHERE id = ?", pictures, userId);

I get a error complaining it cant bind pictures parameter correctly.

Codec not found for requested operation: [null <-> path.to.package.MyPicture]

As I had already tested this query using CassandraRepository and @Query and succeeded, I noticed that somewhere along the way Spring uses MappingCassandraConverter to convert List<MyPicture> into something usable. So I attempted to @Autowire a instance of the converter and converted my List<MyPicture>:

List<MyPicture> pictures = ...;
Object converted = mappingCassandraConverter.convertToColumnType(pictures);
SimpleStatement.newInstance("UPDATE User SET profilePictures = profilePictures + ? WHERE id = ?", converted, userId);

And now it works fine with no error. I was wondering if there's a straightforward way to create a Statement without having to manually inject converter and converting fields?