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Questions tagged [spring]

The Spring Framework is an open-source framework for application development on the Java platform. At its core is rich support for component-based architectures, and it currently has over twenty highly integrated modules. For Spring Boot related questions, also include the tag [spring-boot].

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SpEL expression involving multiple beans

The beans are defined thus: <bean id="defaultSourceMetaData" class="com.example.metadata.SourceMetaData"> <constructor-arg type="java.lang.String" ...
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how to import config file in spring that outside of classpath

i have following repository structure for my spring config server: repository structure for config files and i want to import config named "" in multiple services, so i'...
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1 answer

Invalid bean definition is defined in class path resource as there is already a Generic bean

I am trying to convert a spring application to springboot application. The application runs fine when I run it using the intellij GUI, but if i use the terminal and try to run it by java -cp command ...
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Is it possible to jump into spring source code while I'm coding in IDE?

While I'm coding Java in IDEA, I create a collection, I could just ctrl+click to see the implementation that how Java itself implements a collection, so I can read it and try to understand its concept....
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When i am. trying to run spring intializr using ./mvnw spring-boot:run. it showing the error

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-maven-plugin:3.3.2:run (default-cli) on project initializr: Unable to find a suitable main class, please add a 'mainClass' property -...
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Kafka offset incrementing after 10 attempts in Spring boot

We have spring boot application to consume the messages from Kafka and put into DB. We dont want any error handling to be performed in the application if any exception occurs (like DB down etc) ...
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Session using springboot

Category page show the msg whenever category is added . i want that whenever user refresh the page it will removed from the webpage(msg). @Service public class CommonServiceImpl implements ...
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Does my design violate the Liskov Substitution Principle?

I'm working on a Spring Boot application with the following structure for sending messages public interface MessageService { void send(String message); } @Component("SendEmailService") ...
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Springdoc OpenApi add Classpath Yaml

I have a OpenApi Spec defined in its own library. This library is used as gradle dependency in my project. I am using Springdoc v.2.5.0. My project is a Spring Cloud Gateway. Currently I am trying to ...
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Why SftpSession from spring-integration-sftp (Spring Boot 3.3.2 ) not able to find folder with relative path over SFTP?

I am migrating a spring boot application from V2.7.18 to V3.3.2 which connects to remote server to perform SFTP operations. The application is able to make SFTP connection post migration, but it is ...
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1 answer

File upload into ClassPathResource - IOException

i want to upload images added by admin(add category) into folder in project directory but i try to do so with the help of controller but it throws Unhandled exception type IOException @PostMapping(&...
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1 answer

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Could not load requested class : charset

I am attempting to add spring data jpa to an existing spring boot 2.7.3 web app. We're using hibernate 5.6.9. I've added spring data jpa as a maven dependency via the spring-boot-starter-data-jpa ...
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Why is a Thread-Scoped Bean Injected Instead of a Default-Scoped Bean in Spring Boot?

I recently made a change to my Spring Boot project. I initially had a bean without a specific scope. Due to an implementation that uses threads and the occurrence of concurrency issues, I needed to ...
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1 answer

Swagger UI doos not show Authenticate button in Spring Boot

I am using Swagger UI to test apis for Spring Boot on mac. However, the authenticate button does not show up so that I can put JWT token for authentication. How can I solve this issue? I searched the ...
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1 answer

JPA. No transactional EntityManager available

I'm use JPA (Hibernate 4 vendor) and Spring 3.2.x. I use this code for get Session and re-attach my detached entity. Session session = entityManager.unwrap(Session.class); My code look like this : @...

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