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Questions tagged [opencv]

OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision) is a library for real time computer vision. When using this tag, please add a language specific tag (python, c++, ...), if relevant.

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Detecting unknown defects in components using deep learning methods

The problem: We need to determine from images of technical components whether the components are defective or not. We don't have images of defective components, and we can't know in advance what kinds ...
ProgrammerGnome's user avatar
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Calculate distances in a shape with python

I want to calculate the min vertical distance and max horizontal distance of this image. Like the lines. I was trying: _, binary_image = cv2.threshold(image, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) ...
dave qd's user avatar
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OpenCV findContours() only draws round area around object, doesn't detect actual contour

I am trying to create an automatic instance segmentation dataset generator using Unity and OpenCV for Unity. Basically, the app takes pictures of objects at different angles and lighting situations ...
Philipp's user avatar
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Invert undistortion done in OpenCV (recover the original image)

I have an application where I use a 3D model developed through photogrammetry to map between a 2D -> 3D space and back (3D -> 2D). The photogrammetry software (reality capture) "undistorts&...
derekboase's user avatar
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Floodfill filling part of the image and not all background

I have a screenshot taken from a chat platform and want to fill all the image of the chat in white, including profile pictures of participants while keeping the chat boxes. The code from this Question ...
J.Doe's user avatar
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How to get centers of circles arranged in a grid in specific order in opencv

I have some approximate circles in an approximate grid shape, but there is distortion. How can I get the centers in the order of left to right, top to bottom? I tried findCirclesGrid, but I don't ...
Vanush Vee's user avatar
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How to identify the similarity(in %) between 2 "Black & White" only images / similarity between shapes ignoring colors?

I've searched all possible related keywords that I can think of, but the results are not really what I'm looking for, as most algorithm I found puts high concern on COLOR. The idea of my application ...
shiva prakash's user avatar
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Why is OpenCV's matrix addition function not clipping when I add a uint8 variable with a value of 200 to a uint8 variable with a value of 100? [duplicate]

I am working my way through PyImageUniversity and am familiarizing myself with matrix addition and subtraction in Python using NumPy and the OpenCV library. I have Python 3.11.4, OpenCV 4.10.0-dev, ...
Kyle Troutt's user avatar
-3 votes
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I get this error: (-215:Assertion failed) npoints >= 0 && (depth == CV_32F || depth == CV_32S) in function 'contourArea' [closed]

when i run the ros2 run self_driving_car_pkg computer_vision_node this i'm getting this error from terminal = area = cv2.contourArea(cnt) cv2.error: OpenCV(4.10.0) /io/opencv/modules/imgproc/src/...
mina's user avatar
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Find the best convergence point of multiple particules trajectories? [closed]

In my project, I would like to find the best convergence point of trajectories of tracked points (done with cv2.calcOpticalFlowPyrLK...). I know all the points of each trajectory. My goal is to find ...
zarg404's user avatar
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How to add horizontal lines to the table in image opencv

I want to add horizontal lines to the below image resultant output should be like: Any methods on how to work it out, even if there are diff images which don't have horizontal lines. I've tried ...
Elysian's user avatar
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Python - errors when calling - responses data type = 19 is not supported - Expected Ptr<cv::UMat> for argument 'responses'

I am following the following tutorial: Following the instructions using the Caltech-101 dataset, I preprocessed the images (...
user279043's user avatar
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How to extract a rectangle in an image from identified lines

I have thousands of images that look like this: I need to run an OCR algorithm on the "1930 E.D." column. I find that when I crop the image down to just that column, I get much better ...
Nick K9's user avatar
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Conway's GOL rules not implemented correctly [closed]

I am using OpenCV and a kernel to count neighbors of each pixel, the pixel's value then becomes the number of neighbors that it has, and then I apply Conway's rules, but the output is not as expected, ...
Reuben Badcock's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Compromise between quality and file size, how to save a very detailed image into a file with reasonable size (<1MB)?

I am facing a small (big) problem: I want to generate a high resolution speckle pattern and save it as a file that I can import into a laser engraver. Can be PNG, JPEG, PDF, SVG, or TIFF. My script ...
Tino D's user avatar
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