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Questions tagged [process]

This tag is about operating system processes. It may also refer to a specific construct on a given platform, e.g., the System.Diagnostics.Process class for .NET

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CSAPP 3e (global): Possible erratum for "Practice Problem 8.3" (p. 781)?

Due to the relative lack of popularity of CSAPP's global edition, I have been unable to figure out whether exercise problem 8.3 (partial screenshots shown above) is entirely correct. I have only found ...
RobSim's user avatar
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Folder approval in power automate flow

The aim of my flow is to limit the creation of folders to selected users only. I am exploring the use of when an item is created properties only and a condition to state isfolder equals true. I then ...
PinkApple's user avatar
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Validation to Jenkins/Ansible framework

I am handling patching through a combination of Jenkins and ansible. Jenkins calls ansible scripts for each tool and performs stop and start before the patching scripts. What is the best way to add ...
real_name_hidden's user avatar
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Explain the behavior of parent and child processes

So, recently I have been learning about processes, operating systems, etc. I have come across a problem that I simply can't wrap my head around. Here is the code to the said problem #include <stdio....
sampath sai charan's user avatar
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What causes inter-process communication to take millions of cycles?

In the best case, Inter-process communication is obviously slower than communication between threads, as threads share resources, such as the heap. However, why is inter-process communication several ...
EarthenSky's user avatar
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How to know where a process was launched on macOS when the parent is launchd? [closed]

Someone has accessed my computer and inserted a piece of code in it, which seems to run commands periodically. I know the process he launched, but I can't figure out where exactly it's running. I ...
gravlax's user avatar
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Enabling Efficiency Mode (EcoQoS) for a Process by PID in C++ and Verifying in Task Manager

I'm trying to enable Efficiency Mode (EcoQoS) for a process given its process ID (PID). I have referred to this similar question on Stack Overflow, but I'm still facing issues. Issue: Although the ...
Shivam's user avatar
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.NET solution that uses third party hardware and DLLs

My team and I are writing a .NET application to run in a Windows environment. We will be using hardware from four-ish different vendors, that each comes with their own dll (the term is unmanaged dlls, ...
Nikolaj Eriksen's user avatar
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Reading & Writing other process's STD handles in python

I am trying to use Pywin32 to get the STD handles of another process, then read and write to them. My source code is: import win32api import win32con import win32file STD_INPUT_HANDLE = -10 ...
user0's user avatar
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Is there a way to write an image to memory with Python and read it from another application written in C++?

I would like to create and write an image to the memory in such a way that other processes are able to read it. The goal is to have a Python script create some graph using matplotlib.pyplot, write it ...
Falesz's user avatar
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How to avoid races with process IDs when reading /proc

As I understand it, on Linux process IDs are reused, and also the only API for a lot of process-related stuff (e.g. finding child processes of a specific process) is /proc/<pid>/.... But don't ...
Timmmm's user avatar
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Independent servers on separate child processes [duplicate]

I've been working with express and, and have successfully created two different apps that serve clients from a domain. So now I'm interested in having the main page for my domain be a portal ...
hmathers's user avatar
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When a user process swaps out a page, is the virtual address of the page in user space or kernel space?

I am a beginner in Linux and have always been confused about the difference between kernel space and user space. I am currently researching memory management and would like to know if the virtual ...
Mia8Cew's user avatar
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Why is it I don't get pwd result from this dart code?

I'd like to get the result of my command line 'pwd' from my Dart console program. I wait for the process to start, install the listeners and wait for the task to complete. I don't get the result ...
Stéphane de Luca's user avatar
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Empty Output When Trying to Launch Kali Linux Through WSL Using C# CMD

I am facing an issue while attempting to launch Kali Linux through Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) using C# code. The problem arises when I try to run commands in Kali Linux through WSL, and the ...
MGhassar's user avatar
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Open a Visible Cmd Window In Java

I currently have some code that executes a task: this.cmds = new String[] { "cmd.exe", "/c", customCmd }; ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(cmds); try { pb.start(); } ...
Benna's user avatar
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Error when reading a file used by two separate Java processes

I have to implement two player objects on separate JAVA processes. The player objects have to send each other messages back and forth and there has to be a common counter variable between them that ...
Usman_Codes._.'s user avatar
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Cannot kill process which ocupying the port 8080 after executing "kill" cmd

I cannot kill the process that ocupying the port 8080. After I find the current process which takes the 8080 and kill it, it shows that there is another process would take the 8080. First I try the ...
Cathy's user avatar
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Does processes triggered by ProcessPoolExecutor.submit have any kind of interference with each other?

Background: . ├── # API source code file ├── # CPU-bound task I am using ProcessPoolExecutor().submit() in to execute an entrance function main() stored in As long ...
xinjie-h's user avatar
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C# List of running processes using windows services vs console app [duplicate]

I tried to use the version described in#37 from .NET console application as Windows service #37 with the files: Program.cs MyService.cs MyServiceInstaller.cs in order to list into a file the ...
Monast's user avatar
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elisp process-send-string giving unexpected error "process not running: listen"

I'm trying to create a simple network RPC server/client thing in emacs lisp. So far I have the following (somewhat minimalist) code: (defun handle-connection (proc msg) (message (format "...
L0ren2's user avatar
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My code only works on one image file the rest of the image files are read and saved but untouched by my code I need my code to work on all image files

I'm new to Python. I'm using Glob to Batch Process multiple image files. When I run my code, it processes and saves all image files as it should, but only one image file is affected by my code all ...
Mark's user avatar
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Is it possible to identify pages dedicated to threads in the Linux kernel?

So I'm working on some process and thread migration code for a project I'm working on with a few others. What I want to do is for process migration we identify the pages for the virtual address space ...
communism's user avatar
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Bull queue job with fetch blocking the node event loop?

we have started to use Bull queue to process our background tasks (Heroku platform, Node.js, Redis). Time to time it happens that some job gets stuck in the active state and no other tasks are being ...
Arey Jeremy's user avatar
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FFmpeg process finishes writing the file only after closing the program

My JavaFX application uses FFmpeg to extract the first frame from a video file in a separate thread and the process ends with a wait. The image is saved to a temporary directory (temp/video_preview....
The Engineer's user avatar
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ProcessBuilder cannot run program found in PATH

I'm trying to run npm through ProcessBuilder.start(). However, in Windows at least, whenever I try to start the process without stating the full path of the executable, the invocation fails with "...
Humberto's user avatar
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Allocate cores for a specific process

I want to allocate multiple cores to a specific process so that only that process runs on those cores. Neither Windows system nor anything else should use these cores. Is there a way to do something ...
Vyacheslav1557's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to get full username of process owner using ps

the title really says all I want to do, but there is a problem: If I run ps aux | grep someRegexCondition I find the process I am interested in, but in the first column, where it tells me the process ...
Thiemooo's user avatar
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Non-symmetric mutex

I have an unknown number of processes that create independent data, and one function that modifies all existing data. I need to be able to prevent the modification of data when it is being created (or ...
Charles's user avatar
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Output from cmd.exe from C# differs from real command prompt [duplicate]

I'm trying to verify current python version. Since I'll check a lot of requirements for my app, it should be done via CMD using C# Process.Start() Real CMD output (without a code, just using cmd.exe ...
Alex Zaitsev's user avatar
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Disallowing access to specific file(s) on a per-process basis?

Unix has several ways to control file access on a per-user basis. I'm interested to know if there's a way to do this on a per-process basis; in particular making the file unreadable or even invisible ...
RJVB's user avatar
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Start RDP session window as normal instead of maximized

There seems to be some inconsistency in regard to how an RDP session is opened using: Start-Process "$env:windir\system32\mstsc.exe" -Verb RunAs -ArgumentList "/v:$ComputerName"; ...
ThePostMan's user avatar
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Immediately interrupting Bokeh processes using a button click

I'm working on a Bokeh application where I have a function update_data() that performs some time-consuming tasks. I want to add a way to immediately interrupt all ongoing processes when a button is ...
Martin Balaz's user avatar
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How to get process mitigation policies in kernel mode?

I need to write code for a driver. I need to get information about all the mitigation policies of a process. This is how I get the process handle : `HANDLE h_process{}; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES obj_attr{}; ...
Leonid_First's user avatar
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Exception in thread "main" Cannot run program "wkhtmltopdf":

When I am trying to convert a PDF from html using wkhtmltopdf, I am facing the below error. wkhtmltopdf is already installed in my laptop and I am able to generate using cmd using the same command. ...
Prashant Pandey's user avatar
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Reproducing and stopping sounds from Python

I was interested in creating a script that could play songs as threads and be able to stop it and reproduce other sounds. I have seen that there's a module for reproducing sounds playsound3, but it is ...
ÁngeLoGa's user avatar
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from where the child process will get informations about other variables that are before the fork()?

in my case i have a code where there are mentioned many fork() (8 times) functions so many child processes are going to be created , so let's imagine the every fork() is related to its variable like ...
Mounir Elkatmour's user avatar
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Java application freezes when starting from another java application

I have created Java desktop application with some buttons that will just launch different Java applications and scripts. I have one application that is starting fine, but freezes. App queue increases ...
Mika's user avatar
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Process Cloning Not Working in x86 Windows Config (C++)

I'm attempting to clone a process in C++ on Windows. All shown examples were compiled & ran with Visual Studio 2022 on a Windows 10 system. The minimal example below (adapted from the following ...
Runsva's user avatar
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Clone/Fork a Process in C++ on Windows? [duplicate]

I'm attempting to understand what is the proper way to clone/fork a process in C++ on Windows. All the examples below are compiled & ran using Visual Studio 2022 on a Windows 10 system. It is my ...
Runsva's user avatar
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What does the Background field in the EPROCESS structure mean on Windows?

I am trying to understand the meaning of the Background field in the EPROCESS structure on Windows. I attempted to retrieve this field using the following code: NtQueryInformationProcess(hProcess, ...
frendguo's user avatar
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C# get EnvDTE.DTE interface of Visual Studio solution through instance of System.Diagnostics.Process

Context: I'm currently writing an application that let's the user open a Visual Studio solution (.sln-file). They can then edit certain aspects of the opened project through the UI of my application ...
Konny's user avatar
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Get command line info of currently running Win 10 processes

I want to write a small java app (preferably Java 8) that does the following: List all processes that are currently running in Windows 10 and find a specific one (name and PID, there can be multiple ...
Neph's user avatar
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Why does my Laravel process pool fails with the error: Unable to launch a new process

I have a collection of models that have a column with RTF content that was generated by third party software. I want to dislay the text version in a web application. To do so, I am converting the RTF ...
adarm9's user avatar
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Trying to run PROCESS Macro (Hayes) moderated mediation model 58 in R

I am not a programmer; just trying to replicate SPSS results in R. I am trying to run a moderated mediation model (model 58). My independent variable (x) and moderator (w) are multicategorical. X has ...
firstbessy's user avatar
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Stop process from another process

Hi guys I have two different processes running at the same time. I'm trying to stop the other process which i have named loop_b but I have only managed to stop the current process and the other doesn'...
Maiinjoon's user avatar
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macOS Process Mobileassetupdaterd Hogging CPU

A process named Mobileassetupdaterd owned by the user _accessoryupc, hogs 35% of CPU. It's associated with a file named MobileAssetUpdater at: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileAssetUpdater....
Terry Emerson's user avatar
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In Linux (POSIX), how to forward stdin to forked child process while inspect the content?

I'm developing a command line application to hijack the invocation of CLI tools like ls or cat. I need to inspect and analyze the original stdin content passed to them. However, I found it quite ...
yhgu2000's user avatar
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Does Java automatically reap a child process on Linux

Does a child Process created by a Java application using ProcessBuilder get reaped on exit assuming assuming the application waits for termination with waitFor ? I am using JDK 11 on Linux.
Sumit Jain's user avatar
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the process made twice, when i execute my program once

In Linux, I have just simple test code to testing process made once or twice. when I execute my program program is just sleep 2seconds and print something inside for loop sudo ./test & the ...
Kundera's user avatar
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