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Questions tagged [daemon]

A daemon is a process or program that runs in the background (i.e. requiring no user interaction).

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Linux Mint: Why can't Flutter run adb and why does vscode keep saying flutter daemon has terminated

I'm having trouble getting flutter working on my new linux mint install. I have two problems: First problem: flutter doctor returns [☠] Connected device (the doctor check crashed) ✗ Due to an ...
Yannick Maljaars's user avatar
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How to create daemon unit for fastapi server with poetry?

I created a shell script for start my fastapi server which located in my-dir. It works properly when I run it with ./ Server runs. #!/bin/bash poetry run python Now I want to ...
CarloDiPalma's user avatar
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Can I use a python script to run as a daemon with async libs or do I need to use subprocess?

I need to run a quick experiment with python. However, I am stuck with an async issue. I am not very familiar with python async programming, so please bear with me. What I want is to run a script ...
unsafe_where_true's user avatar
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Send `kill -SIGUSR1` to daemon process

Suppose you have a daemon process owned by user foo and group foo and can be initiated via sudo systemctl start foo.service. This daemon spends most of its time waiting on a sub process sleep, but can ...
Justin Landis's user avatar
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Failure on deploying node.js applications in cpanel

Unfortunately I'm having difficulties hosting my node.js application. I'm having errors and failures. Firstly, cpanel said that there was a possible error in package.json, it said that it contained ...
Hélder De Pégaso's user avatar
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Daemon issue, gradle

What went wrong: Unable to start the daemon process. This problem might be caused by incorrect configuration of the daemon. For example, an unrecognized jvm option is used.
VTJ's user avatar
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Gradle build daemon disappeared unexpectedly (it may have been killed or may have crashed)

On my local machine it runs well. on CircleCi it fails with this error. I'm using java 17. gradle 8.5 and the following - org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx4G -Dkotlin.daemon.jvm.options=-Xmx2G -XX:+...
And's user avatar
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How to access pod metadata in a later step without using the Argo daemon container feature?

When using Argo daemon containers, referencing the IP of a previous step is well-supported via the {{steps.<step-name>.ip}} variable: apiVersion: kind: Workflow metadata: ...
jrbe228's user avatar
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sys.stdin.readline() in an inittab

I am using sys.stdin.readline() to to hang the execution of a Python script, to keep it persistent. When I put this script in an inittab and it comes time to log into Linux after rebooting, hitting ...
Geremia's user avatar
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macOS Process Mobileassetupdaterd Hogging CPU

A process named Mobileassetupdaterd owned by the user _accessoryupc, hogs 35% of CPU. It's associated with a file named MobileAssetUpdater at: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileAssetUpdater....
Terry Emerson's user avatar
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Using the rust tracing library with daemonize

I would like to use the tracing library together with deamonize. Consider the following example use tracing::info; use tracing_subscriber::layer::SubscriberExt; use tracing_subscriber::{fmt, Registry};...
mfld's user avatar
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Opening 0,1,2 descriptors when creating daemon process

APUE (Figure 13.1) says for creating a daemon, after closing all open file descriptors, attach the descriptors 0,1,2 to /dev/null as follows: /* * Close all open file descriptors. */ if (rl.rlim_max ==...
tahzibi.jafar's user avatar
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Python as a service in docker or cron?

What is the python script doing? I have implemented leader election for Artemis ActiveMQ Primary-Backup HA. This checks the availability of ActiveMQ pods and updates the labels in the pod(The label of ...
Subhidh Agarwal's user avatar
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How to deploy a Python controller via Azure devops pipeline

I am working on creating a basic azure pipeline which is expected to do following tasks: Pull Python code from github Run the python controller via gunicorn deployment server is a Linux VM in ...
Manish's user avatar
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Expected behaviour for running a macOS bundled app as a daemon

I have a very basic macOS bundled application with just the empty delegate methods implemented. I want to run this application as a daemon, and so I have created the below daemon property list file. &...
Vipul Gupta's user avatar

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