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Questions tagged [kill]

Kill is an operation of removing an object or process from memory so that other processes/variables can use them.

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Cannot kill Popen process [duplicate]

I have a Python program with the following structure and necessary imports: def startLogger(logger_dir): command0 = 'adb logcat -c' command1 = 'adb logcat' command2 = 'python3 '+logger_dir+...
Priyansh Gupta's user avatar
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Cannot kill process which ocupying the port 8080 after executing "kill" cmd

I cannot kill the process that ocupying the port 8080. After I find the current process which takes the 8080 and kill it, it shows that there is another process would take the 8080. First I try the ...
Cathy's user avatar
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killing a TCl/tk process cleanly in Windows

I'm having to kill a TCL/tk process in the task manager and I want to do it within the batch file. Here is the batch file that calls up the TCL/tk process. START /B sbcl-shen.exe C:\ActiveTcl\bin\wish....
Mark Tarver's user avatar
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Kill mouse event

I am wondering is there a way with Python that we can detect process that use a click event so we can kill them. That would help in the step of an anti cheat I asked my friend if he can code something ...
N3woX's user avatar
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.NET Process.OutputDataReceived still receiving data after unsubscribe the Event Handler and Kill the Process

Please. I need to read data from a process asynchronously because sometimes data is received indefinitely and cannot be read synchronously. When I have read enough characters, I unsubscribe from the ...
antonio 's user avatar
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C++ kill() crashes linux to login screen

i am having problems with a project of mine, i am creating child processes with fork and then terminating them with kill(pid,SIGINT) and then restarting them after the second time interrupting the ...
robybert's user avatar
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How kill previous activities

In my app I have in the mainActivity intent that move mw to the second activity and in the second activity I have also intent that move me to the main activity. Now when I press the back button in my ...
imanuel ben chaim's user avatar
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How can I kill spid with talend

When I try to 'Kill Spid' with Talend it doesn't work. How can I handle this sitiuation? When I try, Talend returns the result as below and does not close the session. "kill command cannot be ...
Nilufer Tuntas's user avatar
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Why does my Bash script give an error at the end of ps command when I terminate background a process?

So for my class I am tasked to write a script, everything works fine until after the ps command finishes output it also adds an error message ( line 42: PID Terminated sleep 900 &) ...
Aaron's user avatar
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Error message when killing process in bash

Linux version: Linux <server_alias> 3.10.0-1160.76.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Jul 26 14:15:37 UTC 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux I have the following function : killProc () { local ...
user06931912's user avatar
-3 votes
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linux: cannot use kill with verbose [closed]

I try to find a list of processes and kill them using verbose option, but not successful. $ kill --verbose -9 $(ps -eo pid,cmd | grep cmd_name | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $1 }') bash: kill: -verbose:...
user180574's user avatar
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How Can I handle subprocess when a process is killed by lack of memory?

I'm trying to handle an error when a subprocess doesn't run because of a lack of memory. However, no exception is working in this case. What should I use? ribodetector = [ "ribodetector_cpu&...
vini8cs's user avatar
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Is it a coincidence that my service is killed almost always after Thread.sleep()? There are other ways for making an android service "unkillable"?

I have an app with a service that run in the foreground and perform some tasks. Of course whenever the system believe there is little memory available it kill my service. By looking at the logcat I've ...
zaxunobi's user avatar
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Find, stop and restart a process with bash script

I'm running 'motion' on a Raspberry Pi and need to periodically restart it (or other processes). #!/bin/bash # find and restart running process motion sudo kill $(pgrep -f motion) sleep 5 echo "...
NigelS's user avatar
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How do I kill/remove the process currently using a port on localhost in Windows?

I do not have admin permissions on my computer. I am trying to kill the processes of a localhost port. I have tried netstat -ano | findstr :6543 and taskkill /PID 6360 /F and it said ERROR: The ...
Warninn's user avatar

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