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Questions tagged [jstl]

JSTL (Jakarta Standard Tag Library) is a XML based standard tag library which offers tags to control the flow in a Facelets or JSP page, date/number formatting and internationalization facilities and several utility EL functions.

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JSP Page corrupting after closing and re-opening eclipse

This is the second time this has occurred for me. The first one I wasn't sure if I had saved or not before closing Eclipse but this one I'm sure I've saved before closing it. So, after saving and ...
ScatteredDream's user avatar
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java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyTagSupport

I have the following code in a JSP file for the tags which is included in all of my JSP files at the top: <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="bean"%> &...
Tan's user avatar
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Unable to use JSTL with embedded tomcat, returns Http Status Code 500 [duplicate]

"The absolute uri: cannot be resolved in either web.xml or the jar files deployed with this application" I've scoured the web for hours trying various ...
bitcash complex's user avatar
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Getting java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/servlet/jsp/tagext/TagLibraryValidator in my Java Web Application project [duplicate]

I'm working on a Java web application and I'm encountering the following exception when I try to deploy my project: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagLibraryValidator at ...
shivam sharma's user avatar
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Unable to load tag handler class [org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.rt.sql.QueryTag] for tag [sql:query] [duplicate]

I am new to JSP pages. I am trying to use core Tags and sql tags in JSP using JSTL. But somehow I am getting the following error.Error 500 on Compilation My JSP file is as follows: <%@ page ...
Akshaj Srivastava's user avatar
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How I can split the string based on "--" only in jsp

When I am trying to split the string based on "--"(double hyphen) its also splitting the string contain "-" (single hyphen) **tempMessage="hello--Name:xyz";(its splitting ...
The big bakchod show's user avatar
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After JDK 17 migration JSP content not visible

Getting below warning WARN [org.springframework.web.servlet.PageNotFound] (default task-4) No mapping for POST /VisitVerification/ WARN [org.springframework.web.servlet.PageNotFound] (...
c arivu's user avatar
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Neither BindingResult nor plain target object for bean name 'todooo' available as request attribute

While running the insert without validation it works, but when I added validation like targetdate must be future date and trying to show in form twoway binding, then this error started. No idea on ...
Sumitツ's user avatar
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java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagLibraryValidator in Spring-boot jsp application [duplicate]

I am getting the error while hitting the home page. java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagLibraryValidator I have created one spring-boot project where in the home.jsp page ...
dev D's user avatar
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Can JSTL or Custom Tag Libraries be Called from Thymeleaf?

Can we call JSTL or Custom Tag Libraries from inside of Thymeleaf? We have numerous tags that we have built over the years and would prefer to not transform them to Thymeleaf Fragments.
hooknc's user avatar
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How to fix CVE-2021-28170 Vulnerability in org.glassfish.web:jakarta.servlet.jsp.jstl:3.0.1; cannot find newer library version [duplicate]

The referenced CVE says "...Jakarta Expression Language implementation before 3.0.4..." Implying that a version 3.0.4 is available. I'm darned if I can find it! Mavenrepo (https://...
Bob Brown's user avatar
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How to fix checkmarx reflected XSS attack in JSP page?

In the below JSP page Checkmax shows a Reflected XSS attack as I am using ${pageContext.reqest.contextPath} variable in JavaScript source. I have tried using <script type="text/javascript&...
ankur pramanik's user avatar
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How to use JSTL in JSP: jakarta.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/servlet/jsp/tagext/TagLibraryValidator [duplicate]

I am using TomCatServer v10.1 for Java Web Development project. I am not able to use JSTL in JSP and the error is HTTP Status 500 – Internal Server Error Type Exception Report Message java.lang....
Karthik 3489's user avatar
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what this signifies <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="jakarta.tags.core" %> in jsp file under src root folder src/webapp/WEB-INF/jsp/home.jsp? [duplicate]

I'm following a video where tutor added the above line to see result on jsp from controller after writing model.addAttribute("", ); and mentioned JSTL tags and jasper for rendering in ...
venkat's user avatar
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TagLibraryValidator error while using JSTL Tags

I have been practicing JSTL tags in EclipseIDE but the code is throwing an HTTP Status 500 error. I am trying to integrate JSTL tags into my .jsp files, but I am facing a TagLibraryValidator error. I ...
Anonymous_1354's user avatar
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Facing issue while trying to run JSTL in a springboot project on Eclipse [duplicate]

in my pom.xml. I have <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.tomcat.embed</groupId> <artifactId>tomcat-embed-jasper</artifactId> <scope>provided</scope&...
Ujjwal Sinha's user avatar
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How to use JSTL in Tomcat 10.1 error : jakarta.tags.core is not recognized [duplicate]

I know that Tomcat v10.1, refers to the following SPECS : Servlet 6.0 JSP 3.1 EL 5.0 So my Graddle dependencies are : dependencies { compileOnly "jakarta.servlet:jakarta.servlet-api:6.0.0&...
Klun's user avatar
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avoid space node generate by jstl [duplicate]

I use jstl in xhtml pages with JSF. However, i notice that when i use jstl tags like foreach, HTML space nodes are generated. <c:forEach var="i" begin="1" end=&...
lapin's user avatar
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org.apache.jasper.JasperException: org.apache.jasper.JasperException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.jsp.WEB_002dINF.jsp.login_jsp [duplicate]

enter image description hereenter image description here I've followed all the troubleshooting steps suggested on Stack Overflow, including comparing project settings, verifying library versions, ...
Parag's user avatar
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SpringBoot Security + JSTL Version Conflict Error [duplicate]

Is there any alternative or best way to apply presentation logic in SpringBoot views? Instead of JSTL After 5 days of finding error, i am getting error in my project because i am using JSTL and ...
Ayush Patel's user avatar
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Spring Boot facing problem with jstl (JSP) [duplicate]

I am working with Spring boot with jstl problem when i call the jsp page it return the error of validation [2m[nio-9090-exec-1][0;39m [36mo.a.c.c.C.[.[localhost].[/].[jsp] [0;39m [2m:[0;39m ...
ahmad's user avatar
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JSP printing html code instead of evaluating and rendering it

In my JSP file, I have a string coming from my Java file which reads value= "Set ${value}", I have another string which stores HTML code called htmlVal. When I print htmlVal by itself it ...
Codespace Mumbai's user avatar
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Xss prevention in JSP [duplicate]

XSS is well known vulnerability in JSP. There are lot of information on web (and on stack overflow) about preventing XSS in JSP. I have found printing user input with <c:out> is most commonly ...
LuMa's user avatar
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How to display a list from database in a JSP page [duplicate]

Cannot display data from database: Page Image: @WebServlet("/ProductServlet") public class ProductListServlet extends HttpServlet { @Override protected void ...
Владислав Карпенко's user avatar
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Issues with JSTL taglibs when migrating to Spring Boot 3 [duplicate]

I am in the process of migrating my Spring Boot JSP application from Spring Boot 2.7 to Spring Boot 3. my login page has this line at the beginning and several references to the <c:if> tag: <%...
Karthik Sankaran's user avatar
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How to access <sql:query> result set of jsp inside <script>

I am trying to use FullCalendar library to design an interactive calendar where user can click on a date to see the corresponding course schedule/ event. For this I need to populate the events in this ...
bear bear's user avatar
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Unable to find taglib [c] for URI: [jakarta.tags.core] Tomcat 10.1.x

after migrating to spring 6.0.11 and tomcat 10.1.13, we started getting problems with jstl and jsp. According to the Jakarta Standard Tag Library 3.0 documentation, Ive changed the taglib uri in all ....
Vooply's user avatar
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<c:import var="lib" url="someURL.xml"/> not saving xml content in var variable resulting in <x:parse/> not having anything to read

When I use <c:import var="lib" url="someURL.xml"/> the content is not being saved in the var lib thusly resulting in a premature end of file error in the first line, because ...
Omin's user avatar
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Retrieve selected value from dropdown [duplicate]

Struggling with what should be some basic JavaScript. A basic dropdown selector which correctly shows the selected value in a field - <select id="State" onchange="getstate()">...
Ralph's user avatar
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jsf and jstl in xhtml page c:choose and c:if not behave that way the condition speak

I have Xhtml page wrote by jsf, I'm not sure what happen into the page that test failed one condition and always true or false , I check test condition and said the false and true happen the way ...
Farhood Naqizadeh's user avatar

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