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Questions tagged [jsp-tags]

JSP tags are a feature of Java Server Pages that allow the encapsulation of view-specific logic and separation of presentation and business concerns.

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Unable to load tag handler class [org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.rt.sql.QueryTag] for tag [sql:query] [duplicate]

I am new to JSP pages. I am trying to use core Tags and sql tags in JSP using JSTL. But somehow I am getting the following error.Error 500 on Compilation My JSP file is as follows: <%@ page ...
Akshaj Srivastava's user avatar
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Can JSTL or Custom Tag Libraries be Called from Thymeleaf?

Can we call JSTL or Custom Tag Libraries from inside of Thymeleaf? We have numerous tags that we have built over the years and would prefer to not transform them to Thymeleaf Fragments.
hooknc's user avatar
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JSP: "object cannot be resolved to a variable" when used in nested tag

I am trying to build app pages via JSP, using nested tags within an outer tag ("page"). All of the tags need access to the same object, which is passed in from the controller. But I can't ...
xormar's user avatar
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what this signifies <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="jakarta.tags.core" %> in jsp file under src root folder src/webapp/WEB-INF/jsp/home.jsp? [duplicate]

I'm following a video where tutor added the above line to see result on jsp from controller after writing model.addAttribute("", ); and mentioned JSTL tags and jasper for rendering in ...
venkat's user avatar
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Servet and JSP tag have different results from request.getRequestURI() [duplicate]

I use Spring MVC for a web site. I need to access a JSP page with the following url In the controller for this page, HttpServletRequest request.getRequestURI() produces ...
curious1's user avatar
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Cannot be resolved to a variable, expression tag is giving me an error

I'm writing JSP Code for the first time. when I'm declaring an expression statement it's giving me an error; sum cannot be resolved to a variable. Here's my code for your reference: <%@ page ...
Usama Bagwan's user avatar
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Get value of display:column property JSP page in JS

I don't know how to get the value of a display:column in a JSP page to check in a JS function. JSP Page: <display:table> ... <display:column property="surnameName" title="...
crmaidev's user avatar
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Request resource is not available in servlet [duplicate]

i'm learning make crud java web using servlet. When i access url for list data is success, but when access create data, i get an error in browser like this When i check in netbeans, error displaying ...
Franky's user avatar
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Access a Java method from JSP file placed on Tomcat server

I've a use case to access a java method from a JSP file placed on Tomcat server. I created a package "myCode" within webapps folder and placed both java source file "myJava" and ...
Learner's user avatar
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Imported jsp project giving error SEVERE: A child container failed during start

I imported the war file for jsp project into Eclipse. When running the project it gives giving following error. How to resolve this? I have tried to run a test jsp project with tomcat it works. But ...
it_works_on_my_computer's user avatar
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Use Json Object as Spring MVC view model directly without converting it to Java object

I am working on a spring MVC project and currently making a new API call to a backend service to get response and use it as the viewModel of Spring MVC ModelAndView. However, unlike traditional flow, ...
BiaoGe's user avatar
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Why my custom tag is appearing multiple times in jsp?

I am using a custom tag in my code to take user input but the jsp page has multiple inputs. What is the reason for it? Also please suggest me a proper documentation or any resources to learn about ...
ni9khil's user avatar
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spring boot webpage with gradle dependencies not opening jsp files

I don't see any prevailing errors with my code and the configuration and dependancies should all be correct, however when I search in the url the console outputs this: "Path with "WEB-INF&...
Roland Olajide's user avatar
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Any taglib to read a text from the txt file with Markdown and render it into a jsp in Liferay

I am using liferay 6.1.1 and I want to put a text file with Markdown in the product and want to read the text from the file and needs to display the text in the terms_of_use.jsp The Markdown in the ...
user18781702's user avatar
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How to use JSP page templates in my custom tag library

I have custom tag library project (using maven) and have user project that uses my custom tag library. I want to add jsp template to custom tag library project so that jsp tags would be generated ...
Humoyun's user avatar
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