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java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyTagSupport

I have the following code in a JSP file for the tags which is included in all of my JSP files at the top: <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="bean"%> &...
Tan's user avatar
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How to change code of struts tag into spring or jstl tag?

<bean:define id="user" name="form" property="user2" type="document.result" /> This is the example of my code. I was trying to convert my struts code ...
Data Set's user avatar
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org.apache.jasper.JasperException: "equal symbol expected" when using JSTL c:out as value of Struts1 html:checkbox

I am using JSTL and Struts1 and I am getting org.apache.jasper.JasperException: "equal symbol expected" on the line with <html:checkbox>: <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="...
star lord's user avatar
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Struts 1.x taglibs compatibility issues with jstl tags

I decided to post this question after 3,5 weeks of blocking and i'm really in need of someone's help. The problem is with the compatibility and coherence of different taglibs, for budget reason we ...
Soufiane Rabii's user avatar
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logic:messagesPresent property attribute; What is the c:if equivalent?

Currently in my JSP I have the following logic tag: <logic:messagesPresent property="eve"> <span class="form-error"> </logic:...
krambo's user avatar
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DIsplay attribute of an object in jsp with Struts

So I have those classes : public class DeviceDto { private long number; private long blob; //getters setters } public class PageDto { private DeviceDto pda; private DeviceDto tab; ...
sliders_alpha's user avatar
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Persistent authentication filter logging in; not propagating to JSP

I've been working on a "Remember Me?"-style persistent authentication system, but after successfully authenticating and logging in the user, my JSPs do not reflect that the user is logged in until the ...
Shotgun Ninja's user avatar
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Accessing bean value through c if

I'm stumped. I have a property set in my bean, that I can access through a form on my jsp: <p> <b class="textBold">Is Locked </span>:</b> <html:text maxlength="11" ...
sharcfinz's user avatar
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How to check a JSTL Variable in jQuery

In my JSP, I use JSTL to set a certain variable: <c:set var="myVar" value="true" scope="request" /> Then in jQuery, in $(document).ready(function() {..}), I need to check the value of "myVar". ...
gene b.'s user avatar
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Re-assign value tag after first form submission?

Assume I have the following class public class Account { private Long id; private String username; private String password; // getters + constructor } The following action class public ...
Engineering Machine's user avatar
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null pointer exception from DispatchAction

I am trying to insert records into MySQL from UI but I am getting nullpointerexception in JSP page. Below are my files. Struts File <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?> <!DOCTYPE ...
Pramesh's user avatar
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Value of list attribute of radio button from scriplet in Struts 2

I want to read a key and value of list from a loop. Below is the code snippet that I tried but it's not working. <c:forEach items="${mylist}" var="title"> <c:set var="id" value="${title....
sweety's user avatar
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How to convert <html:select> dropdown in Struts 2

What are the possible ways to convert below Struts 1 code to migrate in Struts 2. I know <s:select> tag but how to integrate <c:foreach> JSTL in that? <html:select property="acti&...
sweety's user avatar
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Generate name and value attribute dynamically in Struts 2

I am migrating the code from Struts1 to Struts2 Struts1 code <input type="text" value="<c:out value="${serviceVO.notifList}"/>" name="ServicesNotifList-<c:out value="${serviceVO.globalId}...
happy's user avatar
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fn:length cannot be found: org.apache.taglibs.standard.functions.Functions

I have included tag library in jsp as mentioned below: <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="fn"%> And I am trying to use it in this code: <c:when test="${fn:...
Prabha Gaikwad's user avatar

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