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Questions tagged [dependency-management]

The management of dependencies, for example third party libraries, that are used by a software project.

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Bundling third party library xchart in intelij plugin

My [custom] Intellij plugin uses the xchart third party library. I always get this error: Package not found (1 problem) Package 'org.knowm' is not found (1 problem) Package 'org.knowm' is not found ...
Sebastian Casian Chiriac's user avatar
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c# console app: dependent assemblies in alternate directory

I have a small .NET Framework 4.8 (C#) console app that references a DLL from another application, which in turn depends on a large number of DLLs from the other application. If I copy the ...
Mark Z's user avatar
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looking for guidance on resolving technical issues encountered with npm, particularly related to unsupported URL types and workspace problems

Issue Summary: I encountered persistent "EUNSUPPORTEDPROTOCOL" npm errors with "workspace:" URLs when installing dependencies for Botpress. Despite clearing the cache, adjusting ...
TAO Gaming's user avatar
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Dependency 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat-resources:1.7.0' requires version 34 or later to compile

How to know a particular version of dependency can be compiled with a minimum/maximum version of Android SDK API version. e.g. How to know Dependency 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat-resources:1.7.0' ...
user1027685's user avatar
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Mitigating vulnerability in runtime libraries

We run dotnet list <Solution>.sln package --vulnerable --include-transitive --source nightly on our CI server to check wether we have a dependency on any ...
Ar Es's user avatar
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Two ways to create CMakeLists.txt file for a library with no sources but with headers

I have a library and want to provide it to other projects by wrapping it into a cmake project. I know two ways of achieving this via a CMakeLists.txt file. First method is the following: ...
Patrick Fromberg's user avatar
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dependency analysis android gradle plugin error

I wanted to use this analysis tool in my Android project: When I added it to the root gradle file I got this error: Method '...
Bálint Hajdu's user avatar
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Issues with Maven Multi-Module Project: Dependency Not Found

I am working on a Maven multi-module project and I'm having issues using a common package in two of my modules. Here is the project structure: Goal: I want to use the common package in both image-gen ...
Muneer's user avatar
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how to use multiple versions of maven dependency [duplicate]

In my Java micronaut microservice, I want to use a version of a maven dependency for my main code and another different version of the same maven dependency for unit tests code. So, how can I achieve ...
Test's user avatar
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Version dependency conflicts when adding langchain-google-genai to poetry project

I am adding the langchain-google-genai library to my project but poetry indicates it needs a higher pydantic version than the one I have, which conflicts with the pydantic version required the fastapi ...
Carles Roch Arnau's user avatar
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Maven transitive dependency shows older version even though parent package is updated within dependencyManagement

I have the following POM (not the complete file): <properties> <>UTF-8</> <maven.compiler.source>11</maven....
user6952691's user avatar
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Replicate transitive dependency resolution of $<TARGET_RUNTIME_DLLS:...> and the age old question of platform independant dependency management

TL;DR: How is the generator expression $<TARGET_RUNTIME_DLLS:..> able to (recursively?) iterate over all linked targets at generation time and can I replicate the behaviour inside of cmake? ...
GulaschLulatsch's user avatar
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Flutter pubspec.yaml dependency selection algorithm

in my flutter project I have injectable_generator: ^2.4.1 in the pubspec.yaml file, while the latest version on the pub dev is currently injectable_generator: ^2.6.1, and the question is, by what ...
Igor Abramov's user avatar
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Conflicting problems with dependencies, duplicate classes, version numbers and packaged manifests in Google Admob implementation

I need to know the magic configuration for the gradle file to actually work and run my app again. I know that this is happening because I am adding AdMob ads! I have gotten many different types of ...
ChrisK0043's user avatar
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How to resolve unknown error thrown at useSelector : Unhandled Promise Rejection: TypeError: useSyncExternalStore is not a function?

The full error is : Unhandled Promise Rejection: TypeError: useSyncExternalStore is not a function. (In 'useSyncExternalStore(subscribe, getSelection, getServerSelection)', 'useSyncExternalStore' is ...
ManBearPig's user avatar

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