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jsf and jstl in xhtml page c:choose and c:if not behave that way the condition speak

I have Xhtml page wrote by jsf, I'm not sure what happen into the page that test failed one condition and always true or false , I check test condition and said the false and true happen the way ...
Farhood Naqizadeh's user avatar
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h:commandButton is execute before click

I'm use jsf 2.2 with tomcat. I'm trying to build a shopping cart, i have an xhtml page that add product to the cart, The problem is that the action in h:commandButton is called every time i refresh ...
Gal Lisha's user avatar
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Methods execute in wrong order

Methods in xhtml are supposed to run in hierarchical order. cursoAlumnoView.listarEntrega() runs first, then all methods listed above it. <c:forEach items="#{cursoAlumnoView.listaCursoAlumno()}...
Sergio's user avatar
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When submitting the form on the jsp page is running forever

When submitting the form on the jsp page below (cadastroPaciente.jsp), the System is running forever without returning any error. I've already tested the connection alone in a Test Class and the ...
Ivonei's user avatar
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JSF InputText to array of Integers in a forEach loop

It's my first post here, so be critical for my question, let me know if i ask it wrong way. The problem is that I want to make <h:inputText> inside a <c:forEach> loop. The fields should ...
DeeJayMefju's user avatar
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JSF Primefaces: How to use ternary operator for items inside a <f:selectItems> rendered HTML dropdown list?

Am using JSF Primefaces 7.0 to render an XHTML file to display a list of users (along with their e-mail addresses) inside a single HTML dropdown list. pom.xml: <dependency> <groupId>...
PacificNW_Lover's user avatar
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How to use Ternary Operator using Primefaces using JSF EL to render specific text when items are null?

Am using JSF Primefaces 7.0 to render an xhtml file to display a user (alongside the username inside parenthesis) if his name is null or an empty string, I wish to just show the username without the ...
PacificNW_Lover's user avatar
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Programatically Set Attribute with a Value Expression when component is within JSTL forEach loop

First time asking a question so please bear with me. I have a pure Java custom component that extends UIInput (JSF 2.2, Mojarra) and I am using it like so: <c:forEach items="#{bean.items}" var="...
benc2004's user avatar
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JSTL XML in JSF Facelet

I am trying to create a composite component in JSF Facelets 1.2.8. The component is supposed to be a table optimised to work with the jquery jstree framework for presenting a table as a directory tree....
Demli95's user avatar
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Null pointer Issues using the <c:if condition tag JSF Primefaces [duplicate]

ParentPage.xhtml <p:tab id="games" title="Games"> <ui:include src="/jsf/sections/general.xhtml" /> <ui:fragment rendered="#{javaMB....
lena's user avatar
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Implement logic to show only one button

I'm trying to implement a JSTL logic which displayed submit buttons based on the following logic: <c:choose> <!-- if it's demo mode skip every limit check, if not check them --&...
Peter Penzov's user avatar
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Loop through hashmap and use key to access another hashmap within

I'm building a liferay jsf portlet which contains a few selectmanycheckboxes. For each selectcheckbox there are 2 lists. The first one is for storing the visible elements, and the second one contains ...
lowestresolution's user avatar
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Wrong var value after updating nested c:forEach

I have found some strange behaviour when updating nested c:forEach. Apparently value of var is not correct on inner c:forEach. The following example declares a simple Child Class, a Parent Class ...
Yeray Rodriguez's user avatar
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EL not resolved when passed as attribute to composite component inside datatable

I'm facing a problem with an EL expression not being resolved at the initialization of a composite component. Here is the code: <p:column sortable="false" toggleable="false" ...
Isidro.rn's user avatar
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JSTL c:forEach tag not working for El expression in JSF

In trying to solve a larger problem using JSF, I noticed that I can't seem use c:forEach to iterate over lists. Research has taught me that there are several different versions now, and I believe I'm ...
Kamurai's user avatar
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