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Questions tagged [find]

This tag has multiple meanings. Please DO NOT use this tag if you're just trying to find something.

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2 answers

Button to find elements in an Array

I am trying to make a site where the user can hit a button and it will return data from the array. For example, a button called 'show male dogs' should bring back the 3 male dogs in the array. I am ...
Maureen Flannery's user avatar
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1 answer

AppleScript do shell script find & replace in directory

I’ve already got a fully AppleScript find & replace script but since unix tends to be less process intensive, I’ve been trying to see if there’s a better way to script find & replace for a ...
user23562343's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Execute a comand for each file within a directory

I need to convert a series of images from one format to another, but only the images within $PWD, ignoring anything in subdirectories. But I need to remove the original extension or suffix, in order ...
phollox's user avatar
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nestjs project typeorm 3.x version repository.find issue

I'm working on a project using nestjs, typeorm. I made a simple userRepository and called the find function, but it keeps returning empty data The related versions of package.json are as follows. &...
김국현's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Fix the following command so that it does search the home directory for files names

I am confused on these two answers I got. Question: Fix the following command so that it does search the home directory for files named find ~ find ~ -type f -name (...
Moses O's user avatar
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Case insensitive search jQuery [duplicate]

Please help me with a question. There is html with this structure (simplified): <div id="data"> <div description="Andy"> <div class="ig"><a ...
Genesis Rhapsodos's user avatar
0 votes
4 answers

How to get bash find exec to directly execute commands instead of using a temp file? [duplicate]

I've written this BASH script: find ./build/html -name '*.html' \( -exec echo ../ \"{}\" \> \"{}.emojized\" \&\& rm \"{}\" \&\& mv \&...
Danny Beckett's user avatar
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Can I change default highlight color when using default find functionality from browser?

E.g. on Chrome when using default functionality (ctrl+f), found results are highlighted in yellow. Can we change that color with code (for every browser)? Example:
private7's user avatar
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I need a batch file to find files with specific extension and add in them one line of text

I'm completly new and dont know a thing about creating batch files. I used to study informatics but now I'm car mechanic :) I've got few computers in few places containing VMware machines that need to ...
Michał Gadomski's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Explain Javascript array iteration methods?

To perform a performance test for JavaScript's built-in higher-order functions for map, filter, find, you can use the method to measure the time it takes to execute each operation. ...
Apurv's user avatar
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1 answer

Delete folders and contents that doesn't match a particular string

I am using Radarr which renames my movies directory with the following format: Argo (2012) Arrival (2016) A Scanner Darkly (2006) So every directory ends with ' (????)' but I'm not sure how to create ...
davekrappin's user avatar
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1 answer

Sort a huge collection of text files

I'm trying to sort a huge collection of text files. They are in various folders. All the files and folders doesn't have spaces in their names. The text files names look like: hsXOAXOMQovq.txt (12 ...
nyctalope's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

create array of strings, then check occurrence of those strings in cells [closed]

I have a very long list of company names in a column A as strings. They contain “LLC”, “llc”, “limited”, “Ltd.” etc in all combinations. I need to create a list (dictionary) and check for the ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Big Query: Find number of characters in a column which are contained in a list

For each row in the example string-formatted column below, Response A A, B A, C B, C A, C, D A, B, E I want to find the number of characters which are contained in the list (A, C, E). I ...
Test_Analytics's user avatar
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File listing by using find, sort and ls commands

How can i see files bigger than 10MB sorted by their size and in descending order in my home directory, by using find sort and ls commands (terminal)? I begin my pipe with this command: find ~ -type f ...
tseloskon's user avatar

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