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Questions tagged [ls]

A utility in Unix-like systems such as Linux used for listing files and directories.

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aws ls to list only files inside folders with a specific pattern and extension

I have a bucket with several folders, and inside each several files. I just want to list the .tsv files inside those folders that contain the pattern"*report_filtered_count10" in their name. ...
DaniCee's user avatar
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unable to add color to zstyle completion

I am using eza instead of ls and have made changes in .zshrc alias ls="eza --icons=always" I want to add colors to my zstyle completion zstyle ':completion:*' list-colors "${(s.:.)...
Anshul Goyal's user avatar
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6 answers

ls to show only date modified, time modified, and name

I try to remove all the columns from the output of ls -l command except date modified, time modified, and name. drwxr-xr-x 5 john staff 160 May 16 01:59 some-folder -rw-r--r--@ 1 john staff ...
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-3 votes
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linux find in multiple directories limiting by MAX TOTAL SIZE

I have two directories in a 5TB HDD: folderA folderB I need to rclone sync or rsync these two dirs in another HDD, but the storage is limited to 2TB. So i decided to sync only the "newest"...
blastbeng's user avatar
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'ls' command for mounted FUSE filesystem keeps outputting ls: cannot access '/dfs': Input/output error

I am building a FUSE file system using my Ubuntu22 virtual machine on a macbook. I have implemented the getattr function below and compiled using gcc fuse-fs.c -o testfs `pkg-config fuse --cflags --...
redhunter's user avatar
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Non-column output of `ls` piped to `sed` [closed]

As far as I know, command sed precesses its input line by line. Thus, the following command successfully outputs only the directories in the current directory: $ ls -p -1 | sed -n '/\/$/p' Here ...
gambarimas87's user avatar
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ls -u and find -atime show different access times for some files. Which is correct?

find -atime -2 shows about 1 dozen files accessed less than 2 days ago, but ls -u shows them all with access times of Jun 20 2023. What gives? I was looking to see which files on an external hard ...
Inuk99's user avatar
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-3 votes
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File appears with ls File butnot ls Folder [closed]

simple question. I have a folder with many files, I'm interested in a particular one, let's call it FILE. When I run ls FILE The path of the file is printed. However, let's say this file and many ...
Ivan's user avatar
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4 answers

how to fix libgit2 after brew upgrade

On Mac OS 13.2, in zsh, ls returns the following error message: dyld[15164]: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/libgit2/lib/libgit2.1.6.dylib Referenced from: <14346135-E664-31AF-A80B-...
Alex Roberts's user avatar
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File listing by using find, sort and ls commands

How can i see files bigger than 10MB sorted by their size and in descending order in my home directory, by using find sort and ls commands (terminal)? I begin my pipe with this command: find ~ -type f ...
tseloskon's user avatar
2 votes
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How to do a ls -d in powershell

I need to list existing directories without listing files into them : PS C:\Users\myHomeDIR> cat .\toto.txt .\.config C:\DA FI PS C:\Users\myHomeDIR> cat .\toto.txt | dir | % FullName C:\Users\...
SebMa's user avatar
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SU into other user, but can't use LS

raf@XPS15:~$ su Jose $ ls ls: cannot open directory '.': Permission denied Why can't I do it? I can add Jose to the sudo group and use sudo ls, but not regular ls. Why and how can I fix this?µ I'm ...
Jef's user avatar
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-2 votes
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WinSCP stat command says FileNotFound, but it exists when I do ls

When I run this in PowerShell where $File is just "/path/to/FileName.csv" & "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\" /command "open sftp://username:password@server/"...
truekoa's user avatar
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How to save an ls of my desktop onto a folder on my desktop as a txt file? In one line/step [closed]

i was doing something thinking and wanted to understand if i could save information on to folder. I know i can do it in many steps, create the file, then move it to a folder. But is there a one step ...
Andre Freitas's user avatar
-1 votes
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I am creating my own version of ls in and I'm stuck with a segfault

here is the code that I made for ls -l I created a time functions to get the date of creation of the files then there is get_permission to get all the permissions, then I put it all of it together ...
owen.H's user avatar
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