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Questions tagged [zsh]

The Z shell (Zsh) is a Unix shell that can be used as an interactive login shell and as a powerful command interpreter for shell scripting.

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How can I correct or get rid of this syntax error? [closed]

I am new to coding and messed up somewhere using my Mac terminal window to install Ruby. I am getting this message on start up when the terminal window opens: Last login: Fri Jul 19 19:49:59 on ...
Edward's user avatar
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/dev/fd/13:18: command not found: compdef on the opening of the terminal [closed]

When I open up terminal, the following message appears /dev/fd/13:18: command not found: compdef How can I fix it so that it disappears? I'm using a 2017 13-inch macbook pro and the zsh shell I saw ...
Blank's user avatar
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zsh terminal: scripts that are available on the path, are not suggested by autocomplete

I've placed several scripts at: ~/bin/scripts. when in bash, if I place the script there, and put the location in the path, I can type out half the script name and hit tab, and the rest of the script ...
MedicineMan's user avatar
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zsh: how to pass =() to curl

Similar to how <(list) process substitution can be used in curl -XPOST -F file=@<(<<<data) how can I use =(list) process substitution in the same command? I tried curl -...
darw's user avatar
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zsh case-insensitive completion match not working

Problem I've recently made some changes to my terminal development tools. Everything has been working as expected, except for case-insensitive match completion, which before it would match completions ...
Lucas NG's user avatar
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how to use custom preview function for fzf command on zsh

foo() { echo "bar" } export -f foo fzf --preview "foo" leads to opened preview window and error msg: zsh:1: command not found: foo How can I define my custom function that ...
Jiri Kremser's user avatar
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Android Studio Terminal: command not found. It doesn't load .zshrc

In Android Studio (both Giraffe and Koala Feature Drop) I'm facing the error: zsh: command not found: flutter I also have this error with other commands such as adb. It seems it doesn't load the ~/....
Juliuz's user avatar
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Conda Virtual Environment Display Issue in Terminal Prompt ~ZSH

I'm experiencing a display issue with my Conda virtual environment in the terminal . The environment name that is rendered strangely on the right side of each line is not correct i expect to show base ...
Muhammad Faizan Shah's user avatar
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zsh auto complete not completing for macOS 'defaults' command

I have enabled zsh-completions using zinit and however when attempting to use completions with the 'defaults' command such as defaults write location /path/to/ it seems to fail ...
mxcury's user avatar
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Is there a way to increase the size of fzf-preview window length?

I'm playing around with fzf and fzf-tab in zsh and have attempted to set up the following zstyle command. zstyle ':fzf-tab:complete:bat:*' fzf-preview '[[ -d "$realpath" ]] && ls --...
mxcury's user avatar
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Programmatically placing a command to the zsh history

I can use print -S "echo test" to place the command echo test into the history file, so that when I hit the UP-arrow, I get it into the zle buffer. This does not seem to work from within a ...
user1934428's user avatar
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Is it possible bash modify env var sourced from another env var [duplicate]

I have a variable that contains slashes, and I want to modify so it contains double slashes for escaping. So, this works directly in the terminal: > echo "$MY_PASSWORD" | sed 's/\\/\\\\/g'...
Gonzalo Etse's user avatar
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Iterate over all matches in a file for a regex pattern in zsh

What is the tersest way to efficiently iterate over all matches in a file for a regex pattern in zshusing a completely zsh-native method, instead of using external commands like grep? Is there any way ...
XDR's user avatar
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Must you "deactivate" homebrew to run conda?

Based on this post. I know the post says that it's a good idea to deactivate conda before running brew, but what about the opposite? I was wondering if there is anything you need to do to customize ...
user26013698's user avatar
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'zsh: killed' - running C in vscode on mac

I am trying to learn C and am using VSCode on mac. I have installed the C/C++ extension and the Code Runner extension. I have also enabled the 'run in terminal' setting for Code Runner. I also have ...
Jonathan Yang's user avatar

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