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Questions tagged [find]

This tag has multiple meanings. Please DO NOT use this tag if you're just trying to find something.

0 votes
2 answers

How do I use the find() method to query a mongoose schema with an enum field (can hold multiple values (array)) that includes a particular value?

I have this schema: const User = new Schema({ firstName: { type: String, required: true }, lastName: { type: String, required: true }, mobile: { ...
-1 votes
1 answer

How to merge two array using .map and .find by avoiding iterating twice

I have two arrays below. I am trying to merge conditions array based on customerLOB.code match. The problem is, I am getting the results added twice because the loop gets iterated twice. How can I ...
2 votes
2 answers

Why use `std::map::find` for checking if maps have a key?

I recently found out (not through research, so if this is wrong please tell me and I will correct this) that the following somehow works: std::map<T*, U*> map; std::cout << map[...
5 votes
1 answer

Using find to locate files not owned by USER or GROUP

I need to find files and folders in CentOS 7 where they are either not owned by user or not owned by group. I have 3 test directories: root:root test1 root:group test2 user:root test3 I need to be ...
1 vote
1 answer

(standart input) shown instead file name with grep -iHn "ERROR" and a second grep -vH "filter" shows (standard input) and no longer the file name

What I try to do: Find all log files from this day Then grep "ERROR" in the files Then grep -v "Not this line containing the filter" as Filter in result of the first grep command ...
1 vote
2 answers

How to check if list of string contains (substring) value in EpiFind?

I have indexed an object which has a list of strings like ["ZZA-KL-2A", "ZZA-KL-ZZB"]. I want to search and get all items which starts with a certain 3 letter code. So I want to ...
1 vote
1 answer

VBA Backreferencing using Regular Expressions Find and Replace

I want to standardize the formatting of some text within a Word document using VBA and regEx. For example, my document would contain text strings such as "Qty #", "Qty (#)", "...
267 votes
14 answers

'find -exec' a shell function in Linux

Is there a way to get find to execute a function I define in the shell? For example: dosomething () { echo "Doing something with $1" } find . -exec dosomething {} \; The result of that is:...
13 votes
2 answers

Find next siblings until a certain one using beautifulsoup

The webpage is something like this: <h2>section1</h2> <p>article</p> <p>article</p> <p>article</p> <h2>section2</h2> <p>article</...
-1 votes
1 answer

Check if page contains specific word

How can I check if a page contains a specific word. Example: I want to return true or false if the page contains the word "candybar". Notice that the "candybar" could be in between tags (candybar) ...
0 votes
1 answer

VBA/Excel: Get cell from different sheet

Long story short: I have two sheets in Excel: Sheet1 which has two cells (A1 & A2) and Sheet2 (providing some data) which looks like this: | A | B | --|---|----| 1 | a | 5 | 2 | b | 10 | 3 | ...
1 vote
1 answer

Beautiful Soup ".find" not working running from windows terminal

i'm trying to automate a program to scrap periodically some prices from amazon and other pages. (I'm starting with amazon) The problem is when i do the soup.find method with PyCharm, it finds his ...
0 votes
1 answer

Bash command substitution issues

I'm writing a Python script to parse various logs across different hosts. I can successfully run bash scripts via Python's subprocess module, however, I want to minimize the number of ssh calls, so I'...
0 votes
1 answer

Find/Replace Row number within Formula

I have an Excel formula where I wish to change range row number found in a specific cell. =SORT(UNIQUE(FILTER(CHECKLIST!K7:K120180,(CHECKLIST!B7:B120180=INVENTORY!H5)*(CHECKLIST!C7:C120180=INVENTORY!...
208 votes
6 answers

Find and copy files

Why does the following does not copy the files to the destination folder? # find /home/shantanu/processed/ -name '*2011*.xml' -exec cp /home/shantanu/tosend {} \; cp: omitting directory `/home/...

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