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Questions tagged [doparallel]

R package that is a “parallel backend” for the foreach package. It provides a mechanism needed to execute foreach loops in parallel.

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Why do pdf files that are printed using R's foreach() %dopar% construct turn out corrupted and unreadable?

I have a minimum reproducible example script below that writes identical plots to two pdf files, first serially, using a standard for loop, and then in parallel, using R's foreach() %dopar% construct: ...
stachyra's user avatar
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R: Using nested foreach to fill a multidimensional array

I am stuck with parallelizing a nested for-loop, which populates a multidimensional array. I am trying to use foreach but have little experience/problems with combining the results/populating the ...
fx-9750G PLUS's user avatar
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How do I summarise and bind large data sets in parallel using tidyverse in R?

I have a couple of large daily datasets that I need to summarise and bind in R by month. Because the datasets are so large, I'd like to do the summarising in parallel so that it is faster. I've been ...
rteam22's user avatar
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r markdown generates duplicates if run in parallel

I am generating several reports via r markdown. If I do them one by one - everything is okay. If I use %do% - also okay. If I use %dopar% - 3 options: Sometimes it's okay. Sometimes reports have ...
Maxim's user avatar
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How can i reduce the running time when compute variogram for large SaptialPointsDataframe in R

I am a beginner in R and geostatistics. I have a large SpatialPointsDataframe (307,907 elements, 27.2MB). When I want to use this data to build a variogram, it needs a lot of time (R runs for a day ...
Hongyi Lyu's user avatar
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foreach..dopar runs significantly slower on Docker vs local laptop

I am currently running into a weird issue that the foreach...dopar runs like 10x faster in my local laptop (Dell laptop, Windows 10 OS) with 15 cores than when the R code was put onto Docker container ...
user177196's user avatar
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R - How to parallelize a for loop that contains a for loop which itself contains a foreach %dopar% loop?

I'm carrying out several independent (random) experiments on an igraph graph. I'd like to run them in parallel. An experiment has several iterations (a for loop), and each iteration consists of a ...
AMfrn's user avatar
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How R's parallel package would handle 12th Gen Efficiency Cores? [closed]

I was planning to do a desktop build with an i7-12700, I mostly need it for high CPU usage R tasks and most of the time parallel processing comes into play. But I wonder how the new Efficiency Cores ...
anonR's user avatar
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How to display the progress bar for parallel processes using rstudioapi::jobRunScript?

I have a R script called parallel_progress_reprex.R that executes code in parallel and tracks the progress using progressr: library(progressr) ## use progressr for procession updates library(doFuture) ...
Doctor G's user avatar
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Error receiving results from R future running on RStudio server on Slurm

I've been struggling to find relevant answers that might help solve the problem, but after hundreds of googling I felt I was out of luck. I'm wondering if someone could point out where might the ...
Matthew Son's user avatar
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Differences in the output data structure between using the R lapply and parSapply functions - how to avoid them?

I'm learning Parallel Computing in R. I have managed to go from the single-threaded approach to the multi-threaded approach and my function work both with lapply (single-threaded) and parSapply (multi-...
kwadratens's user avatar
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Nested parallelism using foreach and cv.glmnet

I'm trying to apply Elastic Net to a training dataset with approx. 29000 samples and 10000 features (approx 2.4gb) to create a binary logistic regression model. Using cv.glmnet, I originally wanted to ...
ShakySion's user avatar
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`doParallel` vs `future` while using `Seurat` package

Here is the story. From Seurat vignette, FindMarkers() can be accelerated by utilizing future package, future::plan("multiprocess", workers = 4) However, I am running a simulation that I ...
yuw444's user avatar
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R: how to store the output of a foreach loop?

I am trying to store the output of a foreach loop in R. The code I use is as follows: tweets_all = list() foreach(i = 1:5, .packages = c("magrittr", "foreach", "...
Yaxin Dai's user avatar
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R foreach: modify .combine to create equivalent of dplyr::bind_rows and include progress bar

Take the following MWE: df <- data.frame(id =seq(1,100,1),random = seq(2,200,2)) cl <- parallel::makeForkCluster(5) # do not change doParallel::registerDoParallel(cl) # do not change results &...
thmschk's user avatar
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