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Parallelization in R

I am new to parallelization and I want to improve the current version of parallelization of my code to see if I can improve the time. I have 4 rasters and one shapefile with 9000 features. I want for ...
Sss's user avatar
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dopar% and %foreach% failed to work for gmapsdistance

I am currently trying to apply parallelization with the gmapsdistance package (driving mode = bicycling) to speed up the computation of the for loop that contains 1 origin and 100 destinations per ...
user177196's user avatar
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Unwanted result from parallel computation with forerach

I want to print a message after every 5 iterations in a loop. This works in a base R loop as follows: vec = c() # empty vector for (i in 1:100) { s = sqrt(i) vec = c(vec, s) ...
bird's user avatar
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Parallelize set in data.table; works with for loop;but foreach %dopar% doesn't; foreach %do% works

I am trying to parallelize my code below; it works perfectly fine with foreach %do%; but not with %dopar%; could someone please help. I did look at a few other posts and tried a few things but ...
StatMan's user avatar
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Can I use the parallel version of for loop and apply family together?

I met one problem recently when I am doing my research: at first, I defined a function myfunction which contains two for loops in it and then I use lapply(datalist, myfunction), but the processing is ...
GuoLY96's user avatar
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Solving univariate optimization problems simultaneously in R

I am going to use a very simple example to explain my problem (the real problem concerns a very complex univariate function). Consider the following univariate function f <- function(x, p){ 10 - (...
Student1981's user avatar
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Produce a matrix using a foreach loop and parallel processing

I am trying to convert a for loop which I am currently using to run a process across a large matrix. The current for loop finds the maximum value within a 30 x 30 section and creates a new matrix with ...
chrischandler's user avatar
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R doParallel: couldn't find function

I have set up the following function: cv_model <- function(dat, targets, predictors_name){ library(randomForest) library(caret) library(MLmetrics) library(Metrics) # set up error ...
yPennylane's user avatar
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R Parallel processing error `Error in checkForRemoteErrors(val) : 6 nodes produced errors; first error: subscript out of bounds`

I'm learning parallel processing as a way to handle some huge datasets. I have some variables predefined as below: CV <- function(mean, sd) {(sd / mean) * 100} distThreshold <- 5 # ...
M八七's user avatar
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speed up R code - vectorize?

I am struggling to make my code faster. Currently I am getting somewhere using doParallel, but I am wondering if it could be made faster though clever programming instead of faster hardware. Here is a ...
bjvca's user avatar
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Efficiently and selectively combining columns in R

I have the following data countrycols = alljson[,c("country_gc_str","country_ipapi_str","country_tm_str")] head(countrycols) country_gc_str country_ipapi_str country_tm_str 1 <NA> ...
heights1976's user avatar