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R foreach do parallel %dopar% performance problems (and possibly affecting entire computer)

Note: I recognize this is a slightly more amorphous/non-replicable problem than is ideal, but I feel it is worthwhile given the other instances we've seen on stackoverflow and potential general ...
Sam Asin's user avatar
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Fast Sampling with Replacement in R without using a loop or Apply

I need a fast and efficient way of sampling with replacement for my Bootstrapping exercise. I found a similar question here but the solution doesn't offer enough of a speed up similar question Here is ...
MidnightDataGeek's user avatar
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Issues with seed setting in parallelised foreach loop R

I have a selection of tests I want to run in parallel. When I do this using foreach(), I get the expected output of 20 test - iteration pairs: ## Without seed require(data.table) require(foreach) ...
undercover_camel's user avatar
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How to parallelize an explicit for-loop over a data.table (by reference)

Problem statement I have this function daeqtl_mapping_() that takes in three data tables: snp_pairs, zygosity and ae. I am iterating over each row of snp_pairs, and updating it with two new columns. ...
Ramiro Magno's user avatar
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results from foreach loop in R

I have a function that I need to run on 2000 data frames. Each iteration is taking a very long time i.e almost 40 minutes and hence I'm using the 'foreach' package in R. I have generated the data in ...
Debika Ghosh's user avatar
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R: data.table inside GA optimization throws error

I am trying to run a GA in parallel with the packages GA and data.table. In short, I am optimizing a high-dimensional (100k variables), non-linear objective function. For now, I am looking into a ...
Puki Luki's user avatar
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What is foreach %dopar% actually doing when applied to a dataframe as in df[i,]

I think I've completely misunderstood how foreach parallel operations work. In the following example is foreach running 7 independant threads of foo(DF[i,]) for different values of i which leapfrog ...
D3SL's user avatar
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Process optimisation of code within dopar

I am trying to optimize my code to run glms multiple times, and I would like to leverage parallelization, either with foreach or some other more efficient way. As you can see; the for loop takes ...
StatMan's user avatar
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Parallelize set in data.table; works with for loop;but foreach %dopar% doesn't; foreach %do% works

I am trying to parallelize my code below; it works perfectly fine with foreach %do%; but not with %dopar%; could someone please help. I did look at a few other posts and tried a few things but ...
StatMan's user avatar
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Processing Large Data Sets in R

I have a data set of ~5mm rows of businesses with contact information (ID(int), Email(text), BusinessPhone(text), WorkPhone(text), CellPhone(text)) - over 3 million of these rows contain duplicate ...
Paul Weissburg's user avatar
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Run several R functions in parallel

I have a dataset with few numeric columns and over 100 millions of rows as a data.table object. I would like to do group operations on some of the columns based on other columns. For example, count ...
hm6's user avatar
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Parallelization with data.table

I have the following problem. I have a piece-wise linear function described by (xPoints, yPoints) and want to compute fast--I have to do it over and over again--the implied y-value for a long list of ...
d_rapa's user avatar
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data.table operations with %dopar% are very slow

I run a loop over elements of list grouped_data_list using foreach and dopar. The runtime is terribly slow, while workers are visibly busy. If I make a vectorized routine with lapply, and without ...
Alexey Burnakov's user avatar