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How to do Parallel Computing in R with Workflow and Caret packages

I know that I can do parallel computing in R however I am having trouble setting it up in a way that it works with my modeling approach. Here is how I set load / set up the parallel computing library(...
David Davis's user avatar
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How do you use more available cores when using DoParallel to tune models on tidymodel

I'm tuning some random forest models using ranger in tidymodels. I have a fairly large dataset with many columns. As a result, I set up a digital ocean droplet for tuning/trainng using instructions ...
Mutuelinvestor's user avatar
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How to get same results using loop and parallel in R?

I test the influence of training data on the accuracy of classification. For example, I use iris data. I noticed that I get the best accuracy from 33 iteration. I would like to use the training set (...
Rick_H's user avatar
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Parallel processing within a function with caret model

I am attempting to create an all in one parallel processing caret function for training caret models with different inputs. I want the function to be its own process independant of all other calls. ...
JFG123's user avatar
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Caret doparallel in Rmarkdown: Missing verbose info when using render()

I have the following simple example Rmarkdown document (test.Rmd): --- title: "Test Knit Caret Paralell VerboseIter" output: html_document --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo =...
Wietze314's user avatar
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doParallel computing using caret error message

I have been trying to implement multi-core processing with library(doParallel) but somehow one error kept showing up. I doubt it is an error generated from doParallel package. Below is my code (I skip ...
Nelson Chou's user avatar
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R doParallel: couldn't find function

I have set up the following function: cv_model <- function(dat, targets, predictors_name){ library(randomForest) library(caret) library(MLmetrics) library(Metrics) # set up error ...
yPennylane's user avatar
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Error when tuning xgboost model in caret's train function in parallel

I am trying to run some cross validation tuning in caret for an xgboost model. I have a large tuning grid so I'd like to run it in parallel. I set up the data as a sparse matrix, set up the tuning ...
user29609's user avatar
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caret package not using all the cores

I am running a model on an AWS instance with 36 cores. Dummy data example: library(mlbench) data(Sonar) library(caret) library(doParallel) set.seed(95014) # create training & testing data sets ...
Hanjo Odendaal's user avatar
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caret error if doParallel and recipes is used

When I use caret together with the new recipes package, i.e., caret::train.recipe(), then I receive an error message if also doParallel is used to register a parallel backend. Attached is a ...
Oliver Pfaffel's user avatar
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When parallel processing in caret, verbose messages do not appear in the console

I've worked in R and a question arose. I've made up an R code using the train() function in caret library, and I also set the parallel process by registDoParallel() in doParallel. If I execute ...
Chan-ho Lee's user avatar
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caret train binary glm fails on parallel cluster via doParallel

I have seen there are a lot of questions around this topic already but none seems to give a satisfying answer to my problem. I intend to use caret::train() in combination with library doParallel on a ...
Triamus's user avatar
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R - caret - Print iteration when using parallel backend

I would like to generate progress printing while running a parallel back-end with the caret package. Same question and solution here, yet the solution does not work for me, any help would be ...
BigTimeStats's user avatar
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doparallel package in caret train model under linux

I have a problem when I run the train function in caret with parallel processing, for example, when I run a simple R code like: library(doParallel); cl <- makeCluster(4); ...
Mahmod Al-Sarayreh's user avatar
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RWeka will not work with caret or possibly %dopar%

I am completing the exercises from Applied Predictive Modeling, the R textbook for the caret package, by the authors. I cannot get the train function to work with methods M5P or M5Rules. The code ...
Ben Hunter's user avatar

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