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Questions tagged [rstudio]

RStudio is an IDE for the R statistical programming language. DO NOT use this tag for general R programming problems, just use the R tag. ONLY use for RStudio-specific questions.

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Data frames printed in text form in R markdown UI [duplicate]

How do I display R document code chunk output as text format just like the console output? In this R quarto document I am using, when I run a cell containing a data frame object, it prints it to a ...
jimmyou per's user avatar
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RStudio changes backslash key

Does anyone knows how fix this problem? My RStudio changes a backslash key into a chinese 'W'. Its just inRStudio i haev this problem... in others programs, backslash appears and works very well.... I'...
Kadoshi's user avatar
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I am receiving this error code when starting the R studio from the App

R Session Startup Failure Report RStudio Version RStudio 2022.07.0+548 "Spotted Wakerobin " (34ea3031, 2022-07-06) for macOS Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_6) AppleWebKit/537....
Vaishali Panwar's user avatar
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Issues connecting odbc in newest R Studio update

I recently updated R Studio and odbc/dbi seems to be broken. I'm using: #Connect to data on SQL developer (oracle) cj_db <- dbConnect(odbc::odbc(), "my_database", UID='my_name', PWD = '...
DiamondJoe12's user avatar
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R Studio Recv failure: Connection was reset error after updating R Studio to latest version

I have a R script which calls another RMarkdown script in order to create an RMarkdown HTML document for each row in a dataframe column. Here's the basic script: render_one <- function(case) { # ...
DiamondJoe12's user avatar
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How to get a background job to notify you upon completion

Context I have an R script that takes a long time to run, and I used to run it with beepr::beep() at the end to notify me when it was finished. I got this idea from, "Is there a way to make R ...
Joshua Shew's user avatar
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Cannot Render QMD File to HTML or DOCX with Quarto: "cannot open the connection" Error

I am working on a data report and when I try to render my QMD file to HTML or DOCX using Quarto, I encounter the following error: Error in file(file, ifelse(append, "a", "w")) : ...
Osama's user avatar
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Highcharter package in R is not outputing plot in Rstudio but in R its ok

This is my code: library(highcharter) # install.packages("palmerpenguins") data(penguins, package = "palmerpenguins") hchart( penguins, "scatter", hcaes(x = ...
Laura's user avatar
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Trouble using "Knit" in RStudio. Keep getting an error that says my data isn't actually there [closed]

Working on a project for class and I keep getting an error every time I try and knit it. The project needs to be turned in as an HTML (be aware that the pictures shown are not finished) I imported ...
Hayden Wilcox's user avatar
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Is there a R equivalent of the function debugonce() in Python?

Looking for an equivalent R function like debugonce() that can be applied in Python. Basically I would like to enter a subfunction with the debugger the very next time it runs, but not after that. ...
user25481921's user avatar
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Reticulate py_config() returns error, python310.dll - The specified module could not be found

Here's the code I'm running. library("reticulate") virtualenv_create("r-reticulate") use_virtualenv("r-reticulate", required = TRUE) Sys.setenv(RETICULATE_PYTHON = "...
Kyle Zengo's user avatar
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Rstudio and "max-connections" when using R >4.4.x on WINDOWS

R > 4.4.x may be started from the command line with the following flag, --max-connections=X Per CRAN "Changes in R 4.4.0": New startup option --max-connections to set the maximum number ...
user2438292's user avatar
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How to connect Rstudio to remove AWS RDS database through TCP/IP SSH tunnel

I'm trying to connect to a remote AWS MySQL database that is over TCP/IP SSH. I can successfully connect using the same credentials in both Sequel Pro and MySQL Workbench, but I can't get the R script ...
Marcel Cormier's user avatar
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Keyboard shortcut to switch context to Terminal in RStudio?

I'm aware of ctrl + 1 to switch context to the script pane ctrl + 2 to switch context to the console pane opt + shift + r to switch to and refresh the terminal (found here). But what I really want ...
dss's user avatar
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How to fix Fading Text RStudio IDE

When I scroll down into the script it seems that the text starts to fade and a top layer of text stays until I cliced again. My specs: Processor: Intel i7 1.8GHz, 2304 Mhz RAM: 8 GB I tried changing ...
Lovsky's user avatar
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