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Questions tagged [doobie]

Doobie is a pure functional JDBC layer for Scala and Cats.

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scala skunk Multiple parameter Query: Passing List as Parameter to prepared statement

I would like to query a db table using the following sql val ALL_BY_ID: Query[List[String] *: Int *: EmptyTuple, Store] = sql"""SELECT id, name, description, account, enterdate ...
Bate's user avatar
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how to implement error handling with doobie

override def getUser(uuid: UUID): F[Either[String, User]] = { val query = sql"""SELECT email, password FROM "user" WHERE "userId" = $uuid """ ...
Vaibhav Pandey's user avatar
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scala load json data from postgres sql into the domain object error ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

I am writing scala code to load data from db (postgres) using following sql. SELECT, a.act_type_id AS actTypeId COALESCE(json_agg(x.procedure_id), '[]'::json) as actProcIds FROM ...
Laodao's user avatar
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Manage doobie connections with Hikari

I am connecting and firing queries on postgres in my scala play framework application. While optimizing my application, I saw that before firing any query a CONNECT call is being made to Postgres ...
akshit's user avatar
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Why does importing Doobie before Circe raise a compilation error?

Just made a discovery while working with Doobie and Circe in the same file. Not my first time working with both libraries but never really paid attention to the order in which they are imported. Scala,...
Bomen_Derick's user avatar
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Ambiguous Implicit Resolution Error With Doobie

I have this function that inserts a One To Many relationship representation between 3 tables: def insertRelations(cs: TableA): Fragment = { sql"""INSERT INTO my_schema.table_a ( ...
joesan's user avatar
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H2 Database File Corrupted Error When Connecting From Application

I have a database file like this in my local folder: Wed Sep 13 07:46:05 2023  Wed Sep 13 07:46:44 2023  cpo-platform-h2-test.db.trace.db Whenever I connect to this ...
joesan's user avatar
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Scala Cats Effect Wrapping an Implementation from the Effect Type of the Enclosing Class

I have an implementation that looks like this: final class MyServiceImpl[M[_]: Async](dbCfg: DBConfig)(implicit ec: Scheduler) extends MyService[M] { ...... ...... ...... ...... } Inside this ...
joesan's user avatar
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Doobie upgrade from 1.0.0-RC2 to 1.0.0-RC4 causes fragments.or not to compile

My code (below) is failing to compile after a Doobie library upgrade. fragments.or(filterFragments: _*) "Cannot resolve overloaded method 'or'". Presumably the signature has changed but I ...
Tom Squires's user avatar
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WIth doobie, how do I map Scala case class to postgresql column with type tstzmultirange?

So e.g. I create the table vacations in postgres: create table if not exists vacations ( person text primary key, vacations tstzmultirange not null ) And on the Scala side, I have: case class ...
David Herskovics's user avatar
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Doobie cannot find or construct a Read instance for Type of case class with Timestamp

Given a case class representation of a data row with a java.sql.Timestamp: case class ExampleRow(id: String, ts: Timestamp) And query expecting an ExampleRow: import doobie._ import doobie....
Ramón J Romero y Vigil's user avatar
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Refactoring my for comprehension to remove the unsafe get calls on the option values

So my for comprehension technically compiles fine currently, but if you look carefully I have a few unsafe .get calls on the options. for { maybeProduct: Option[Product] <- EitherT.liftF { ...
Blankman's user avatar
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Create clickhouse temporary table with doobie

I want to create clickhouse temporary table with doobie, but i don't know how to add session_id parameter in query I tried val sql = sql"CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE " ++ Fragment.const(...
Andrew 's user avatar
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How to refactor so I can return different types in my case statement and then execute the doobie queries

Based on the match condition I will need to execute a different doobie query, and these queries may return different Right types in their Eithers. The problem currently is that sometimes the Right of ...
Blankman's user avatar
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Scala, Doobie, PostgreSQL - how to select from array/jsonb column?

I have a simple db table: create table if not exists players ( id bigint, name text, results text[] ); Now I would like to create select query, where I want only rows with passed results. So I ...
Developus's user avatar
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