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Ambiguous Implicit Resolution Error With Doobie

I have this function that inserts a One To Many relationship representation between 3 tables: def insertRelations(cs: TableA): Fragment = { sql"""INSERT INTO my_schema.table_a ( ...
joesan's user avatar
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Scala Cats Effect Wrapping an Implementation from the Effect Type of the Enclosing Class

I have an implementation that looks like this: final class MyServiceImpl[M[_]: Async](dbCfg: DBConfig)(implicit ec: Scheduler) extends MyService[M] { ...... ...... ...... ...... } Inside this ...
joesan's user avatar
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Doobie upgrade from 1.0.0-RC2 to 1.0.0-RC4 causes fragments.or not to compile

My code (below) is failing to compile after a Doobie library upgrade. fragments.or(filterFragments: _*) "Cannot resolve overloaded method 'or'". Presumably the signature has changed but I ...
Tom Squires's user avatar
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Doobie cannot find or construct a Read instance for Type of case class with Timestamp

Given a case class representation of a data row with a java.sql.Timestamp: case class ExampleRow(id: String, ts: Timestamp) And query expecting an ExampleRow: import doobie._ import doobie....
Ramón J Romero y Vigil's user avatar
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Refactoring my for comprehension to remove the unsafe get calls on the option values

So my for comprehension technically compiles fine currently, but if you look carefully I have a few unsafe .get calls on the options. for { maybeProduct: Option[Product] <- EitherT.liftF { ...
Blankman's user avatar
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Create clickhouse temporary table with doobie

I want to create clickhouse temporary table with doobie, but i don't know how to add session_id parameter in query I tried val sql = sql"CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE " ++ Fragment.const(...
Andrew 's user avatar
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How to refactor so I can return different types in my case statement and then execute the doobie queries

Based on the match condition I will need to execute a different doobie query, and these queries may return different Right types in their Eithers. The problem currently is that sometimes the Right of ...
Blankman's user avatar
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Refactor function to remove unsafe .get calls when making doobie database queries

My DAO method types are: ProductDao.getById(..): ConnectionIO[Option[Product]] InventoryDao.getById(..): ConnectionIO[Option[Inventory]] The function I need to refactor to make it safe is below: def ...
Blankman's user avatar
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For comprehension that has to handle 2 optional values and return a Option[T]

The below code works fine, but as you can see the 2nd clause in the for comprehension has a call that is unsafe. case class ProductView(product: Product, stores: List[Store], warehosue: Option[...
Blankman's user avatar
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Scala Doobie. Creating and Inserting into a Temp Table

I am relatively new to Scala and also new to Doobie. I am connecting to SQL Server 2014 and need to create a temp table and subsequently insert into that temp table. In SQL Server, when you create a ...
mljohns89's user avatar
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Parallelizing operations within a ConnectionIO transaction

So I have a program in which I get a list of file paths from a database, delete those files on the filesystem and finally delete the file paths from the database. I put all operations inside a ...
IllSc's user avatar
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Mapping a Many-to-Many Releationship Using Doobie

I have two tables in Postgres. The first contains generic information about movies, whereas the latter contains actors. CREATE TABLE "MOVIES" ( "ID" uuid NOT NULL, "TITLE&...
riccardo.cardin's user avatar
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Scala Doobie not inserting values into database

My code to insert values is: def insert(link: entity.Link) : IO[Int] = {"Inserting link: " + link.toString()) sql"insert into links (title,url,publication_date,...
Vitaly Olegovitch's user avatar
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Is it okay to use "unsafeRunSync()" in Cats-Effects?

I am using Doobie and in the examples that I found, it uses unsafeRunSync, like: sql"select name from country" .query[String] // Query0[String] .to[List] // ConnectionIO[List[...
ClassNotFoundException's user avatar
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Is it possible to push values to Kafka asynchronously using cats.effect.IO and FS2 Streams while returning an HTTP response immediately?

The problem that I'm trying to solve can be described as follows: A k8s scheduler calls each Monday morning an HTTP endpoint of my Finagle/Finch application The HTTP endpoint will handle the request ...
sentenza's user avatar
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