I have a simple db table:

create table if not exists players
  id bigint,
  name text,
  results text[]

Now I would like to create select query, where I want only rows with passed results. So I created a scala code with doobie:

def getPlayers(id: Int, result: String): Query[Int] = {
  sql"select id from players where results ? $result".query[Int]

But it didn't work as expected. My question is how to select from array column in postgresql? Currently I have results as an array, but I could change it to jsonb if it is easier.

  • instead of ? operator you should use @> operator and `$result should be text array
    – Sahap Asci
    Commented Jan 5, 2023 at 11:26

1 Answer 1


You can use the following query:

select id from players where $result = any(results);

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