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Questions tagged [dart]

Dart is a class-based, statically(& strongly)-typed programming language for building web and mobile applications. Dart compiles to modern JavaScript to run in the browser and compiles to native code to run on mobile platforms like Android and iOS. Dart also runs on the command-line for scripting and server-side apps.

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0 answers

Flutter - combine Navigator pop and pushNamed

I want to add a simple feature in my flutter app : Future<dynamic> showTextFieldDialog(BuildContext context) { return showDialog( context: context, builder: (BuildContext ...
0 votes
0 answers

VS code detecting my project as Dart instead of Flutter

So I'm new to Flutter and I'm facing a issue running the code in VS code. The problem does not occur in Android Studio. I've made a new project (the default counter app) for android application on ...
2 votes
3 answers

How to bundle native macos executable with a flutter app?

I want to bundle a native console program for macos written in Rust, into a Flutter app. The Flutter app needs to call this program from Dart with something like this: Process.runSync("./...
0 votes
0 answers

How to extract audio from video with ffmpegKit in flutter

I want to extract audio from video with this method: Future<Audio> extractAudio(Video video, String formatAudioByUser) async { final pathAudio = video.pathIn; FFmpegKit.execute( ...
1 vote
0 answers

Flutter MobX ObservableList not updating UI when modifying items directly

I'm using MobX in my Flutter app and encountering an issue with updating the UI. I have an ObservableList that I use to render a list of items on the screen. The ObservableList is typed as ...
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1 answer

Unable to Fetch Firestore Data Using Nested Collections in Flutter

I'm having trouble fetching data from Firestore using nested collections in a Flutter application. The data is structured as follows: users/{userId}/tests/{testType}/test_set/{testSetId} Image of data ...
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0 answers

How to change a baseUrl in a widget using a toggle switch?

Very new flutter user here. I am using the flutter_map and the toggle_switch packages. I want the toggle switch to change the base map when selected, but I'm really lost on how to set it up. My ...
1 vote
1 answer

Type assignment error in implementing Dart's ZoneSpecification

I'm getting a static analysis error while implementing Dart's Zone. Code: void main() { Zone.current.fork(specification: ZoneSpecification(scheduleMicrotask: (self, parent, zone, f) => parent....
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0 answers

flutter web app keeps pointing back to itself in the index.html

I have created a flutter app that runs great on Android but now I am trying to get it to run on the Chrome browser. I am not trying to run this on a localhost but I upload it to my domain hosted by a ...
-3 votes
3 answers

Flutter text align center and justify at the same time

hey i'm using rich text in flutter and i want to align it center and justify. this is beacuse i wanted the title to appear at the center while the rest of the paragraph to be justified. textAlign: ...
0 votes
2 answers

Unusual error when trying to hide Google Maps API keys in either .env file or file in flutter project

while running the app build using flutter after implementing measures taken to hide API keys in project, such as: passing key as variable declared in .env file in root folder, to android/app/src/main/...
1 vote
2 answers

how to capitalized all words first letter to capital in flutter

I have created a String Extension with my logic. I checked previously asked questions in stack overflow, but here I want to implement my code rather than following other logic... here is my effort ...
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0 answers

Flutter web no active service worker

I'm working on the release of my application on the web and since the 3.22.2 I've some problem with the service worker. here is my index.html <body> <script src="flutter_bootstrap.js&...
8 votes
6 answers

How can I extract expire time from jwt token in Dart?

I receive jwt token from the api but i don't know how to extract the expire time from the token in Dart. The token which is received eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9....
0 votes
1 answer

flutter gesture Null check operator used on a null value

I want to ask about the problem as in the following picture. this problem is related with dart null safety but i am unable to fix this issue. Error is in onYesPressed!() every time I click the confirm ...

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