I've installed win32yank through chocolatey and changed clipboard setting in init.vim:

set clipboard=unnamedplus

Everything works however I notice that copy and paste operations now have very slight but noticeable delay. Is there any alternative way to copy to system clipboard? (I'm using neovim in WSL2 Ubuntu)

2 Answers 2


Just remove clipboard option. It's harmful and useless.

What it essentially does, it prepends "quote-plus" to all yank/delete/put commands automatically. Instead of this, manually type "+ when you want to access system clipboard and don't when you don't.


I've expanded on Matt's feedback and put this in my vimrc:

let mapleader=" "
noremap <Leader>y "+y
noremap <Leader>p "+p
noremap <Leader>d "+d

Select a block of text, press and then either y/p/d for yanking, pasting and deleting lines into the system buffer. It automagically seems to work with win32yank.exe (which is in my PATH in WSL2).

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