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Questions tagged [neovim]

Neovim is a fork of Vim that aims to improve upon Vim's out-of-the-box experience and allow for more powerful plugins and GUIs.

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Neovim BiomeJS not using biome.json formatting

My lsp.lua is as follows: local util = require("lspconfig.util") return { { "williamboman/mason.nvim", opts = function(_, opts) vim.list_extend(opts....
Owenn's user avatar
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How to find the correct termcode for an input keystroke in neovim?

I want to map the keystroke Ctrl + § to :Telescope oldfiles in neovim. I naively tried this: vim.keymap.set('n', '<C-§>', ':Telescope oldfiles<CR>', {noremap = true, silent = true }) but ...
glades's user avatar
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Telescope find_files sorting

Is there a way to adjust the result sorting in find_files to prioritize file name matches first? Currently, it seems that matches in file names and path names are scored equally. Since I often search ...
Poisonbox's user avatar
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Syntax highlight exclusively within a region

I'm trying to add syntax highlighting for arguments with patterns similar to this: if(GetKey(KEY_SPACE) == KEY_PRESSED) where a KEY_ match should be highlighted, but only when inside GetKey. I've ...
Aceldama's user avatar
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How to provide gap or sort of padding between the tmux statusline and nvim tabbuffline?

I am using tmux along with nvim. I have set the tmux satus to appear on top along. The problem is that there is no gap between the statusline of tmux and the tabbuffline of nvim. Is there anything I ...
Bikraj's user avatar
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Why does earlier gdb gets OSError: [Errno 22] or the latest crash when starting a dap session?

I was trying to debug on nvim using the dap functionality of gdb 14.2 (installed via msys2), but a message Debug adapter didn't respond. Either the adapter is slow (then wait and ignore this) or there ...
Caiyhg's user avatar
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Customize LunarVim Start Menu

My goal is to be able to customize LunarVim's start menu. I haven't found a method on how to do this online. I want to change the logo in particular. The default menu looks like this: Is there any ...
oughy's user avatar
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Why I'm not able to use neovim full time [closed]

I have a splendid view of Neovim. It is swift and gives me a perfect vibe. The only problem is LSP. I mostly use c/c++, python and Rust recently. Unfortunately, I was not able to get good LSP working!!...
thumala manish's user avatar
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do the editor's write rewrite all the bytes on the disk or just the diff?

For example, i'm using neovim and have 200KB file size, when i hit :w to save it, do it gonna rewrite all the bytes in my nvme cells or it will compare the changes and "append" it? I think ...
Rafael Ledo's user avatar
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neovim + lua + slimv: how to start swank server in the current folder/project?

I'm using Slimv with NVim, and it works perfectly except when attempting to (load ...) files from the same folder. I presume it's an issue with translating vim shell commands (with % expansions, etc.) ...
Tsarko's user avatar
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How to disable coloring out the section of code between macros?

I have source files that contain macros loaded by a proprietary build toolchain. Unfortunately, Neovim doesn't have a plugin for the configuration file (emProject from SEGGER) and doesn't recognize ...
Václav Hrbek's user avatar
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When I create a new file in nvim why doesn't the language server or treesitter work with that file?

every time I create a new file in nvim I have to write some code then close and reopen the file to get syntax highlighting, snippets or lsp. Not sure why, I thought it could be connected to lazy ...
Richard Chester's user avatar
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How to perform a find-replace operation from the cursor position to EOF

How to perform a find-replace operation in Neovim from the cursor position to the end of the file (EOF), as Ex command :%s/Hi/Hello/g will write entire document file instead of from current cursor ...
user17227456's user avatar
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How to enable javascript LSP inside html script tags?

Is there a neovim plugin or a custom configuration of the html LSP that could allow to have linting in html/templ script tags using tsserver or eslint ? <script> // I want tsserver to lint ...
Fayeure's user avatar
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Custom configuration for NvChad is not working

"nvchad.mappings" -- add yours here local map = vim.keymap.set map("n", ";", ":", { desc = "CMD enter command mode" }) map("i", "jk&...
S-111 0's user avatar
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