on my Windows 10 machine I have an Ubuntu WSL installed with Ruby version 2.7.0. In my Ruby script I'm trying to take a value from a variable and copy it to the clipboard.

In looking into this I found out there isn't any real straight forward way to do this natively. I did find this SO post about a gem someone created to access the clipboard easily (here is the link to the github repo). I went through all the steps to install it and reference it in my gemfile, but the variable value is not getting copied to my clipboard for some reason.

Here's my code in my Ruby script:

puts data2


at this point in my script the value I want to copy to the clipboard is in data2 and I verify the value is in there by putting it out to the console. I then try to clear the clipboard and then copy data2 to the clipboard as instructed in the github page. I run my script and it finishes but then when I try to paste the value that is on my clipboard it is not the value I am expecting (the value that is on my clipboard is the value that was on it before I ran my Ruby script).

Previously I had this working on a Mac using this code:

IO.popen('pbcopy', 'r+') { |clipboard| clipboard.puts data2 }

but this doesn't work on WSL because I believe pbcopy is a Mac OS thing.

One thing to note is that when I run my Ruby script it does give me this warning:

ruby: warning: shebang line ending with \r may cause problems

but I don't see how that would prevent the variable value from being saved to my clipboard.

Please can someone give me some insight into why this isn't working as expected, or even a different/better way of copying the variable value to my clipboard so I can paste the value after my Ruby script finishes running? As always a correct, clearly explained answer will be marked as accepted and upvoted.


  • Have you tried the blip utility mentioned in the Clipboard gem docs? blip copy_this_to_clipboard. Does it work?
    – Casper
    Commented Nov 15, 2021 at 19:15
  • @Casper I just tried to use blip and got this error: ` undefined method 'blip' for main:Object (NoMethodError). i thought about using blip` before but from what i could see in the documentation blip is used to copy all the contents of a file, not just a value from something like a variable Commented Nov 15, 2021 at 20:55
  • 2
    WSL provides access to windows executables so you can use for example echo "Hello world" | clip.exe.
    – max
    Commented Nov 16, 2021 at 1:46
  • 1
    I don't think the Clipboard gem actually works in WSL. The linux environment is not a graphical environment with windowing system and even so it would'nt copy to the windows system clipboard. It might work if you where actually running it in windows.
    – max
    Commented Nov 16, 2021 at 2:13
  • thanks @max! I was able to come up with a solution based on the information you shared and have listed it as an answer to this question. Commented Nov 17, 2021 at 18:51

1 Answer 1


Thanks to @max for the insight. I was able to come up with a solution that does what I need it to, here's the code:

exec( "echo '#{data2}' | clip.exe" )

this code snippet takes the value stored inside data2 and copys it to the clipboard. When the script has finished running in my Ubuntu WSL, I can paste and the value on my clipboard is the value that was contained in data2 when the script was running.

Hope this helps anyone else with this question.

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