I just updated my Unity from 2017.3.1f1 to 2018.2.1f1 and when I opened my project it moved the manifest.json file from the UnityPackageManager folder to the Packages folder. Also, it created a bunch of files and folders in the Packages folder.

My question is:

Is it safe to ignore the Packages folder from the repository, especially manifest.json?


2 Answers 2


manifest.json contains list of your dependencies(the packages you have used for your project). so if You clone your repository on a different machine, unity uses this list to download the required packages.

short answer: You should not put Packages in your .gitignore. It should be committed along with the rest of your project files.

  • 3
    just to clarify. then is it fine to add packages folder into gitignore with an exception for manifest.json ? edit i am confused with new packages folder that show up in unity editor containing multiple file that i didnt knoew
    – asem bused
    Commented Mar 19, 2019 at 7:11

Not a lot of google results for this, so for future searchers I will add:

It seems in Unity 2020.1 (and probably earlier) that the actual package contents are held in Library/PackageCache, and only the manifest file lives in the root Packages folder.

If Library is ignored as it should be, then there is no additional entry needed in the .gitignore.

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