I have a set of stacked images and a set of sentences to the right of the images. My program works like this: when you hover over a sentence, the corresponding image fades in to the front of the stack and the previous image fades out. I have a hover function that uses onmouseenter and onmouseleave, and in both, helper functions are called to perform the correct animation process.

The problem I am having is if you hover over another sentence when the animation is being performed on the first one, it breaks. I researched stop(true, true) and possibly creating a callback function once animation is complete on current hover over, but these aren't effect fixes.

Does anyone know of any ways to freeze a future animation until the current one's progress is complete? I shouldn't have to add to an array queue, but maybe I could set a boolean var inside the fade call to check the progress of the animation.

Possible solution: In my onmouseleave state of onHover(), i call setTimeOut with a delay of 300ms to check and see if the default img has an active class, and if not, i animate it in (which means that when the user leaves a sentence, after 300ms, the default image fades in). I think I can add to this function to delay the animation of the next hover over, if the user hovers over any other sentence.

What I've tried

//get rid of intitial page load animation classes
$('#pics img').not($currentCase).not('.active').removeClass('first next-in-line last-in-line');

do {
    //before this image is faded in, we need to add the next-in-line class so it is stacked right below the top image
        .fadeIn(fadeSpeed, function () {
} while ($('#pics img.active').is(':animated'));

  • The above freezes the script when initiating hover over a sentence.

*MY answer:*For those who may have ran into a similar problem, in the call back function of fadeIn(), I used the below code for a fix:


1 Answer 1


You can check whether an image is still being animated using


The general idea is to check whether something is still being animated, if it is then don't start another animation.

  • thanks nifty, I saw :animated on some other posts, so I guess I'll try implementing it. Edit: I need something like: If this.previous(':animated')... I can't seem to find out where to place this logic. All of my helper methods deal with fading in the *next image Commented Apr 5, 2012 at 15:32
  • There is also a flaw in this call because if $(this) isn't done animating, then it will skip over the if statement and not proceed with fading out the current image in the stack. I need more of a 'when this is done..' process, so that the next hover will execute when the previous is done. Commented Apr 5, 2012 at 15:53
  • Hm, could you setup a fiddle? Commented Apr 5, 2012 at 15:56
  • Have you tried putting that condition in a while loop and calling the second animation after the while loop exits? The while loop could be left empty (essentially busy-waiting) or could contain something to run while you wait Commented Sep 27, 2012 at 12:10
  • to past me: use promise() and done(), so that helper methods can be set up and called inside the done event. Commented Sep 1, 2015 at 18:58

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