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Questions tagged [loops]

A **loop** is a sequence of statements which is specified once but which may be carried out several times in succession.

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1 answer

Should I separate special cases from for loop deliberately, or let a for loop handles special cases naturally?

Suppose I need to find the last selected index of options according to last selected contents, eg: options : A,B,C,D,E ,last selected option: C, so the last selected index is 2. There is a special ...
wcminipgasker2023's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Reducing cyclomatic complexity of a state machine

I have a function (written in Python) that processes a loosely structured log file. The log file would have begin-end markers for different sections, with each section describing different things (e.g....
Happy Green Kid Naps's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Declarative name for function with multi-purpose-loop from broken-up monolithic function [closed]

I'm currently in the process of reworking a monolithic function. My first step is finding blocks of code that can be extracted into their own "sub"-methods for ease of readability & ...
Incubbus's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Using the word "loop" as a subject in a sentence [closed]

I would like to explain the following code to my colleagues: for options in [{Option.NO_CUTOFFS}, {}, {Option.HEURISTIC}]: ... The following sentence is kind of awkward: This loop loops on the ...
AlwaysLearning's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Loop pattern for batch data processing

When processing data sets in batches I usually can think of the following three implementations. Which one do you consider better than the other and why? Notes: The implementation is in C# but the ...
Botond Botos's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Make infinite loop handleable via delay?

I have a Node.js micro-service architecture-based back-end. Services communicate with each other via PubSub. E.g. upon a request to service A, service A messages either service B or service C via ...
cis's user avatar
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2 answers

Separation of data retrieval and processing in loops?

Often I need to get some data and process it in some way. For example getting a list of customers from an API and assemble some summary data on them. As an example, getting : api_result = api.request(...
User's user avatar
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Explicit expression of a counter

Consider the following pseudo-code: cont = 0 for g = 1,...,m for h = g,...,m cont = cont + 1 end for end for I'm searching for the explicit map that returns cont in ...
Gost91's user avatar
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-5 votes
1 answer

How do I manage multiple nested for-loops without using multiple variables?

If I have code that looks like this: int i; void functionA (){ for (i=0; i<10; i++){ functionB(); } } void functionB (){ for (i=0; i<20; i++){ doSomething(); } } ...
Noah Smith's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Calling recursive method in a loop - Backtracking

I'm confused about a matter that I've been unable to figure out. I'm doing some leetcode problems. In backtracking problems, sometimes we use loop within our recursive method to call the recursion but ...
Umer Farooq's user avatar
22 votes
9 answers

Declaring that a function never returns

If I have a function that never returns (it contains an infinite loop) how do I declare/communicate that it will never return to the user of the function? The user does not see the source code, only ...
Fred's user avatar
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5 answers

How to deail with a hypothetical situation in which a pub/sub cycle gets into an unending recursive loop?

Let me explain what I mean. Imagine A subs to event b. In such case A pubs event a. B subs to event a. In this case B subs b. This is a full-blown circle. How does a pub/sub cycle deal with such ...
Aurlito's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

What is the expected performance of While loops using `array.pop()` assignment vs other methods

Recently I was asked to refactor some code that leverages JavaScript's array.reduce() method because other developers felt the code hard to read. While doing this I decided to play around with some ...
Kenneth Moore's user avatar
-4 votes
4 answers

What are use cases of using optional for loop statements?

I don't think any of them are good practice. In addition to that they make the code longer. Optional initialization ...
thadeuszlay's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

Is there any formula or trick to count how many times a statement inside a nested loop gets executed?

I am modifying a software which is for trash collection. While reading the code, I asked myself is there any formula or trick to quickly calculate the number of time the statement gets executed inside ...
AKdeBerg's user avatar

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