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Questions tagged [optimization]

Optimization is the process of improving an existing program to make it work more efficiently or/and using less resources.

0 votes
4 answers

Should a null block be used for semantic purposes?

I was writing a procedure that is only applicable in a particular case, but it didn't feel right to enforce it by contract or raising exceptions, because there's no problem with calling it in other ...
Devsman's user avatar
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Is it possible to build a semantically unambigous grammar / language / graph?

It's been a long time that I had an idea of a semantic constraint as compiler optimizations which allows for sophisticated high level optimization allowing you to transform the AST/CFG based on a SFG (...
C5H8NNaO4's user avatar
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3 answers

Optimize reservation system algorithm

Im am developing a logistics application and at the moment, I try to solve the following problem: In the system, there are multiple machines. Each machine has one or more skills. For example, machine ...
pschill's user avatar
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2 answers

How does Java and other managed languages achieve any performance, if everything is allocated at random places of the heap? [closed]

Prelude Recently, I helped a friend of mine in coding him a problem for his university Algorithms course, where problems are submitted in Java. I sent him code with good O notation complexity, ...
blonded04's user avatar
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Designing an optimization on throughput of EF.Core application

I am looking for feedback on a design problem I encountered when processing batches of db entries. The issue at hand is efficiency and throughput of an application. The application looks like this ...
Samuel's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I minimize the number of captured variables in lambda expressions? [closed]

If a lambda is frequently used, it is considered to reuse the same instance instead of creating new instances repeatedly. How can I minimize the number of captured variables in lambda expressions?
Arunabh's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

Better solutions than joining table for Many to Many?

Lets say I have students and classes which are 2 entities. A student can take many classes and a class can have many students. This would be a many to many relationship. To solve this with an RDBMS my ...
Jeremy Fisher's user avatar
23 votes
10 answers

Shouldn't deep copy be the default, not shallow copy?

If you have an OO language, where every object always has a copy method, shouldn't that be deep copy by default? In most languages I know, such a copy method is shallow, since a shallow copy is more ...
Mecki's user avatar
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1 answer

How do function inlining and Tail Call Optimization affect call stack?

I've just accidentally came across this answer about inlined functions and I'd like to know how this affects call stack. But I can't add comments because I don't have enough rep so I decided to ask ...
b3rry's user avatar
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1 answer

Simulated Annealing

In relation to another question I had, I have been researching Simulated Annealing. The general example used with this algorithm is the traveling salesman example. I have been testing the code ...
wforl's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Optimizing Flash Memory Writes in Embedded Systems with Unpredictable Power Loss

I'm working on an embedded C++ project that involves logging certain types of statistical data (like successful accesses, failed attempts, and other events) to the flash memory (just incrementing ...
Dario.Casciato's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Use PGO (profile guided optimization) to determine optimal value of variables in code

Reading this interesting paper it seems that a lot of performance loss is due to scheduling overhead in tight loops. To recap: There's a variable called "Chunksize" which determines how big ...
glades's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Choosing one of two memory blocks to deallocate: Does age affect fragmentation?

First question here, so preemptive apologies if I've committed some faux-pas. Additionally, I am aware that this question is about possibly the micro-est of micro-optimizations ever, and "micro-...
Da Spud Lord's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

String representation in Python runtimes

Python is one of the few languages to support a string data type of code points (Unicode Scalar Values). I'm also wanting to creating a language that has this same characteristic, but I need to ...
Hydroper's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Is it better to iterate over data once and do multiple complex operations, or to iterate multiple times with simpler operations?

Here I'm working in Python, but it's more of a language agnostic question, unless specific language features makes it clear that an option is better than the other. I get my raw data from a REST API, ...
L'Animal Fou's user avatar

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