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Questions tagged [terraform]

Terraform is a tool for building, changing, and combining infrastructure safely and efficiently.

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Terraform error: importing EC2 Key Pair (XXXX): InvalidKeyPair.Duplicate: The keypair already exists

Terraform newbie here. I am trying to add an additional node group to existing terraform stack that has already been deployed in AWS region by someone else in my organization. I have run through ...
adam thompson's user avatar
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ECS Dynamic Port Mapping: "port should be set when target type is instance"

I've set the following via Terraform: Task-definition level: network_mode = "bridge" Container level: portMappings = [ { hostPort = 0, containerPort = 8080 } ] Terraform ...
Dustin Oprea's user avatar
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Is it possible to limit changes to a GCP Organization IAM Policy?

We've experienced an incident where a user was using Terraform against GCP to edit the organization policy (
Gonzalo Hirsch's user avatar
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Terraform suddenly, regularly fails while pushing state to S3

As of a few months ago, Terraform will fail 10% of the time while, apparently, pushing state to the backend (which is in S3). I'll have to cleanup the cruft left behind, run it again, and it'll pass. ...
Dustin Oprea's user avatar
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How to display all the resources present in aws using terraform command?

Terraform show command will show all the resources in the state file. But we need to display all the resources present in AWS (or region specific), not just the one in the state file. How to do that ...
uday kiran reddy's user avatar
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How to add tags automatically to AWS Volumes with Terraform

I have the following Terraform script to deploy an EKS cluster (tags left empty to hide values) provider "aws" { region = var.region profile = var.profile default_tags { ...
user23627827's user avatar
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Secrets management for Azure DevOps IAC

I have an Azure Devops Infrastructure As Code (IAC) allowing users to deploy virtual machines using terraform pipelines and to access them using SSH or RDP. For the moment, the process is the ...
raspbagel's user avatar
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Kubernetes is no accepting traffic from my Load Balancer when I deploy it in Terraform in DigitalOcean

When I deploy my ingress controller I get an error from digital ocean dashboard 0/1 Kubernetes nodes accepting traffic -- First I create my kubernetes cluster named avatares_cluster # ...
Juan Topo's user avatar
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Using PAT to authenticate against AzureDevops Git in AzApi Terraform Provider

I am trying to use the AzApi Terraform Provider to install fluxcd on a k8s cluster running on Azure Cloud. Fluxcd should then look for changes in a AzureDevops Git Repo. In the AzApi Terraform Flux ...
Andresch Serj's user avatar
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How to pass output variables to new instance?

My goal is to create an HTTP balancer from 2 nodes using terraform, the problem appears when I want to add the received public IP addresses of the balancer and application server to the balancer ...
Kirill K's user avatar
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Can I tell Terraform to delete resource A before creating resource B?

I'm migrating some stuff in a terraform repo and replacing Resource A with Resource B, of different types. If the details are important, A is a CloudFormation stack, B is a native terraform resource ...
shearn89's user avatar
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Best practices on managing Terraform project repositories

As part of a new job role, I have started learning Terraform recently. Before, my main orchestration/provisioning tool was Ansible, and the best practice at my previous place was to hold the state for ...
Yuri's user avatar
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Terraform: Render special characters from typical query string (like '=', '&') in a variable assignment

It seems that Terraform is either rendering the intended query string value "... = ..", with &#61, which messes up the URL call. I tried to escape the \= in the string assignment, and ...
Rick's user avatar
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Updating csi-driver without stopping

I'm now facing this. # module.eks_volume_provisioning.aws_eks_addon.csi_driver will be updated in-place ~ resource "aws_eks_addon" "csi_driver" { ~ addon_version ...
jesus's user avatar
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Deploy TBMQ into Kubernetes via terraform not by Helm

I want to deploy a TBMQ MQTT broker into a kubernetes cluster. I succeded for minikube, but can't do this via terraform to my remote cluster. TBMQ does not provide Helm chart package. What approach ...
dgad's user avatar
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Terraform, EKS and cluster-autoscaler

I'm trying to deploy cluster-autoscaler to an existing EKS cluster. here's my terraform code: resource "aws_iam_policy" "cluster_autoscaler" { name = "...
Alexey Kiyashkin's user avatar
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'aws s3 ls' command was hanging until setting default region

I created setup show in the image in region Oregon (us-west-2) ,and I was sure that everything was in place correctly , then I tried to do aws s3 ls from the ec2 in the private subnet , it was ...
kaushal47's user avatar
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How to assign Digital Ocean floating ips/reserved ips to openstack?

so for an app that is based partly on openstack, I am evaluating the deployment on Digital Ocean as a testbed. The openstack deployment using kolla-ansible also bascially worked. However, while the ...
step21's user avatar
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Terraform resources not getting destryoed from terminal

I wanted to destroy the DEV environment from my Kubernetes hosted on AWS EKS. There are two parts to the resources; the infrastructure part and the application part. I use Terraform/Terragrunt to ...
Summerborn Storm's user avatar
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Seeking Expert Advice on Terraform Deployment Cleanup

I've been successfully using Terraform for various deployments, managing to create multiple environments for different clients using a single Jenkins job. However, I've hit a roadblock when it comes ...
Yousuf's user avatar
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S2S VPN on AWS EC2 - routing issue for VPC

I'm trying to prepare VPN setup from scratch. I used Terraform + AWS + Strongswan. Basic diagram is attached here: AWS diagram, S2S VPN So I have VPC_left: with subnet_left: 172.32....
k-wolski's user avatar
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Running Initialization Script After Setting Up Aurora Serverless Cluster v2 Using Terraform

We have successfully created an Aurora Serverless Cluster v2 using the terraform-aws-rds-aurora Terraform module. Now, we want to run an initialization script after the cluster setup to create ...
Anirvan Ray's user avatar
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Local terraform repository, remote ec2 with assumed role

My current setup is: My local machine (actually one for each developper) A git repository containing my terraform configuration An EC2 instance which assumes an IAM role which grants it permissions ...
Camusensei's user avatar
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How to set a pre-exiting password for an aws_db_instance resource, from a secure SSoT container while keeping it out of the state file?

I'm trying to find a solution for setting the master user password of an aws_db_instance from a pre-existing secret (which is currently in an existing Secrets Manager resource). If I use password = ...
Tar's user avatar
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Terraform - error while configuring s3 backend, with instance profile

First up, we use ADFS and do not have individual IAM user profiles. We use the instance profiles as per the roles/permissions we need, and do not use individual access keys etc., This issue came up ...
mgn's user avatar
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Setting Up Proper Routing for SQL Instance in Different GCP VPCs without Public Exposure or Gateway VM

I'm facing a networking challenge with Google Cloud VPCs and peering, and I'm hoping to get some guidance on how to resolve it. Here's my setup: I have two VPCs in Google Cloud: VPC "bastion"...
anaconda1337's user avatar
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InvalidConfigurationRequest: A load balancer cannot be attached to multiple subnets in the same Availability Zone

I copy-paste the part of my file: resource "aws_security_group" "servers" { name = "allowservers" description = "Allow TCP:8080 inbound traffic to ...
user avatar
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How to use separated load balancers for frontend and backend in ECS?

I have the following terraform configuration for a load balancer running in ECS AWS for my django app container deployed in ECS: resource "aws_lb" "api" { name = &...
Lucas's user avatar
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Terraform - for directive in JSON

I am trying to get loop over string values in an IAM policy resources block to allow rds IAM authentication. My resource definition is: resource "aws_iam_policy" "...
joebegborg07's user avatar
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Terraform Helm set tolerations

I'm trying to set tolerations values in Terraform Helm for the occm chart in the following way: set { name = "tolerations" value = yamlencode([ { key = "node.kubernetes....
sctx's user avatar
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