I want to deploy a TBMQ MQTT broker into a kubernetes cluster. I succeded for minikube, but can't do this via terraform to my remote cluster. TBMQ does not provide Helm chart package.

What approach should I take?

My try was to create a null_resource type of resource with a provisioner. Then I would like to execute command with git clone repository followed by calling 2 scripts that are necessary to call for TBMQ installation.

resource "null_resource" "installTBMQ" {
  provisioner "remote-exec" {
    command = "git clone -b release-1.2.1 https://github.com/thingsboard/tbmq.git | cd tbmq/k8s/minikube | bash k8s-install-tbmq.sh | bash k8s-deploy-tbmq.sh"
  depends_on = ...

Could someone suggest better approach? If not, could someone provide a working example of provisioner similar to the one I want to create?


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