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Questions tagged [amazon-cloudformation]

Amazon Web Services CloudFormation is a JSON- or YAML-based templating system that can be used to create and manage a collection of related AWS resources, provisioning and updating them in an orderly and predictable fashion. You can think of it as 'Infrastructure-as-code'.

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AWS CloudFormation Adding Security Group

Below is a sample of how our team creates new EC2 instances using CloudFormation with AWS. I'm just getting started myself with AWS, but one problem I have is when I need to create a new Security ...
Kyle's user avatar
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Is there an equivalent to "CloudFormation quick-create" to update the existing stack?

I am using CloudFormation quick-create so that users can easily deploy a stack in their AWS account. However I may update the stack in the future. I want my users to be able to deploy those changes as ...
Matthieu Napoli's user avatar
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Change AssignPublicIp setting to ECS service deployed with CodeDeploy deployment controller

I have an ECS Fargate service deployed through an AWS CloudFormation stack with NetworkConfiguration.AwsvpcConfiguration.AssignPublicIp set to ENABLED. I want to change that value to DISABLED. However,...
Federico B.'s user avatar
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"Property CidrBlock or Ipv4IpamPoolId cannot be empty" when trying to create an IPv6-only VPC Subnet

When trying to create an IPv6-only VPC Subnet, using AWS CloudFormation, stack creation fails with the following message: CREATE_FAILED Resource handler returned message: "Invalid request ...
djvg's user avatar
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Seeking Expert Advice on Terraform Deployment Cleanup

I've been successfully using Terraform for various deployments, managing to create multiple environments for different clients using a single Jenkins job. However, I've hit a roadblock when it comes ...
Yousuf's user avatar
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Cannot disable MultiAZ on RDS instance using CloudFormation

I have deployed an instance of a RDS PostgreSQL database with MultiAZ enabled, using CloudFormation. When I try to remove MultiAZ I get the following error from CloudFormation: CloudFormation cannot ...
Maxime Rossini's user avatar
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Using Ubuntu 22.04 in EC2 via CloudFormation, why does cfn-hup never trigger?

Amazon's documentation includes extensive examples of using cfn-hup to automate updates of instances provisioned via CloudFormation. For one of many examples, see
Nye's user avatar
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AWS Cloudformation template - user pool app client hosted ui login url?

Is there a way to retrieve the login page url for a cognito user pool app client from the cloudformation template? I currently have two projects: one for a spa webapp end one for the aws stack to host ...
fudo's user avatar
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CloudFront distribution can't access S3 bucket for website static assets

The problem I'm trying to deploy an S3 bucket hosting my static website asset and a cloudfront distribution to access it, but the distribution still return a bare xml file for an 'access denied' error:...
fudo's user avatar
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How can I create an ecs service for my deploy

I’m learning CI/CD pipelines and I’ve come up with a question. I have a CloudFormation file that creates some static resources for my app (ECR repository, ECS Cluster and some roles) When creating my ...
Arthur Luiz's user avatar
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How to make my ECS Task pull my ECR image

I am trying to create a ECS task and be able to access and pull from ECR, but I am getting an error. How can I resolve this issue? Raw error: Cannotpullcontainererror: pull image manifest has been ...
Arthur Luiz's user avatar
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What defines the AWS ECS task re-creation timeout

I have an AWS ECS Service with 2 REPLICA tasks in it. When I manually stop one of the tasks, the new one is created in almost exactly 5 minutes. Similar 5 minute timeout happens when one or more tasks ...
Anton Boritskiy's user avatar
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AWS SAM - cannot create stack with api gateway using stage variable for invoked lambda version

Ok, previous question about using different lambda versions on different stages here: AWS - lambda versions to different gateway stages? Now I'm trying to put it all together using AWS SAM cli but ...
fudo's user avatar
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How to create EKS cluster with VPC CNI addon via CloudFormation?

I create a EKS cluster (1.24) via cloudformation, it works fine without a CNI plugin but fails when I add vpc-cni addon: AddonCNI: Type: 'AWS::EKS::Addon' Properties: AddonName: vpc-...
chingis's user avatar
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AWS CloudFormation cannot create a db.t2.micro instance in the specified AvailabilityZone

I have a Database and a DBSecurityGroup inside a subnet and a VPC. but whenever I try to launch the stack, I get this error: Database CREATE_FAILED Resource handler returned message: "Cannot ...
André Chrisostomo's user avatar

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