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Questions tagged [infrastructure]

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controller node openstack can't ping to instance

I have openstack infrastructure with manual instalation, My problem I can't ping internal ip of openstack instance. sudo ip netns exec qrouter-id ping internal ip instance ==> work for me but ...
ikbel kh's user avatar
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Secrets management for Azure DevOps IAC

I have an Azure Devops Infrastructure As Code (IAC) allowing users to deploy virtual machines using terraform pipelines and to access them using SSH or RDP. For the moment, the process is the ...
raspbagel's user avatar
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How to link resources in crossplane for openstack provider

I am experimenting with crossplane in openstack. I created a Composition that group different components, like 1 virtual machine, 1 keypair to access the machine and one volume to mount in the machine....
amh9412's user avatar
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Python Flask application + MySQL DB -> needing advice for the infra in AWS when latency is at stake

I have a Python Flask application and a MySQL DB with which the app connects to. The app provides RESTful APIs. There are around 10 pairs of (Flask and MySQL DB)s. Each pair has a unique url and ...
Zhuang Paulus's user avatar
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Apache CloudStack + OVH Bare Metal

I am new in the world of IaaS & provisioning and I'm blocked with Apache CloudStack. We currently have a few Bare Metal Dedicated servers with OVH running Ubuntu 22 with KVM installed on it for ...
Javier Gonzalez Moncayo's user avatar
-3 votes
2 answers

Where is "edge compute" actually located? [closed]

Sorry, if the question is a bit basic, but I must be missing the relevant search terms, because most of the resources I could find about edge computing talk about it in abstract marketing terms. I ...
RuRo's user avatar
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Mapping versioning for config and infra corresponding to application code version

I have an application that has something like below structure Service A - application and environment configuration, infrastructure dependencies (Queue, DB etc) etc. Service B - application and ...
user14013917's user avatar
5 votes
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PowerEdge FX2s ram types

I have a PowerEdge FX2s modular server with two PowerEdge FC630 Blades. Does the RAM type in both blades need to be identical in terms of: 2133P / 2400T ? Ranks ? Module sizes symmetry ? I am new in ...
Rony_Ecology's user avatar
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Will compute nodes with A100 80GB (2x on node1) and A100 40GB (2x on node2) work in Red Hat OpenShift cluster?

I think the answer should be yes, however these parts/cards are expensive, so would like to know from experts who have done this kind of things. Will MIG be supported on this?
techele's user avatar
1 vote
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Migrating 9 virtual machines to 1 server or pc

I have a build system set up which has 5 pcs and that has a total of 9 virtual machines using Hyper-V. I want to update this infrastructure and cut out the need for 5 physical pcs. Is there a way to ...
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1 vote
2 answers

How do the TLD DNS servers handle so many zone file updates?

I've always wondered how the DNS infrastructure for (say a .com) TLD is designed. It must not only be able to maintain a high level of reliably, but also support high amounts of real-time updates to ...
Tuaris's user avatar
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Is two web servers and one shared file server a good idea? [duplicate]

Current problem: we have a single web server that hosts a website with user generated content the server constantly needs more upgrades to keep up with the storage space it's hard to make changes ...
Marius Anderie's user avatar
0 votes
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What is the order in which apps respond when I visit DOMAIN:PORT on my VPS?

I have owned a VPS running Ubuntu for nearly half a decade, and I have a working knowledge of the networking aspect - but there are many holes in my understanding. When I visit DOMAIN:PORT I ...
Vidur's user avatar
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Kubernetes NGINX Ingress controller default page / redirect

I was wondering if there is a way to change the behaviour of the nginx ingress controller so that instead of a 404 page it displays another web page or does a redirect? Sadly you can’t do host: “*” ...
Tobias Grether's user avatar
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Proxy on-premises API for access from cloud

My organisation operates a REST API which is accessible only from within the organisation's internal network; I am working on a separate service hosted on Google cloud which needs to call into the API....
Geno Racklin Asher's user avatar

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