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Questions tagged [terraform]

Terraform is a tool for building, changing, and combining infrastructure safely and efficiently.

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Is it possible to limit changes to a GCP Organization IAM Policy?

We've experienced an incident where a user was using Terraform against GCP to edit the organization policy (
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Terraform error: importing EC2 Key Pair (XXXX): InvalidKeyPair.Duplicate: The keypair already exists

Terraform newbie here. I am trying to add an additional node group to existing terraform stack that has already been deployed in AWS region by someone else in my organization. I have run through ...
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2 answers

How to change description on AWS Security Group with Terraform?

I'm having a bit of a trouble with the following Terraform scenario: create a SG and launch an instance that uses the SG modify the SG description I would expect Terraform to unlink the SG from the ...
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3 answers

Terraform destroy failing because Google SQL user owns databases

I'm using Terraform to provision a Google Cloud SQL PostgreSQL database using a google_sql_database_instance resource. I also create a user with a google_sql_user resource. After applying, I deploy ...
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2 answers

Add Windows VM to domain using Packer

I'm trying to create Windows images for usage on Azure using Packer. As part of this process, I need to put some files, which are located on an existing VM in Azure, in the image. My idea was to add ...
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1 answer

ECS Dynamic Port Mapping: "port should be set when target type is instance"

I've set the following via Terraform: Task-definition level: network_mode = "bridge" Container level: portMappings = [ { hostPort = 0, containerPort = 8080 } ] Terraform ...
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1 answer

Terraform suddenly, regularly fails while pushing state to S3

As of a few months ago, Terraform will fail 10% of the time while, apparently, pushing state to the backend (which is in S3). I'll have to cleanup the cruft left behind, run it again, and it'll pass. ...
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2 answers

How to display all the resources present in aws using terraform command?

Terraform show command will show all the resources in the state file. But we need to display all the resources present in AWS (or region specific), not just the one in the state file. How to do that ...
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Unable to SSH into a Terraform-created EC2 instance

Using Terraform v1.0.11 on Ubuntu 18.04 After a terraform apply with the below, and after waiting for the instance to pass checks (and then another minute), attempts to SSH are hitting a wall. ...
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1 answer

Terraform cycle error with AWS EC2 instance, volume and template file

Could you please help to explain and work around this error? I have the following TF program for an instance with an EBS volume and template file using that volume id: resource "aws_instance"...
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How to add tags automatically to AWS Volumes with Terraform

I have the following Terraform script to deploy an EKS cluster (tags left empty to hide values) provider "aws" { region = var.region profile = var.profile default_tags { ...
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Secrets management for Azure DevOps IAC

I have an Azure Devops Infrastructure As Code (IAC) allowing users to deploy virtual machines using terraform pipelines and to access them using SSH or RDP. For the moment, the process is the ...
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Kubernetes is no accepting traffic from my Load Balancer when I deploy it in Terraform in DigitalOcean

When I deploy my ingress controller I get an error from digital ocean dashboard 0/1 Kubernetes nodes accepting traffic -- First I create my kubernetes cluster named avatares_cluster # ...
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1 answer

Terraform escape special char

I have to pass a password through terraform which has special characters including backslash. Terraform apply resulted in following error 27: "project.plugin.NodeExecutor.WinRMexe.pass" = "...
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Using PAT to authenticate against AzureDevops Git in AzApi Terraform Provider

I am trying to use the AzApi Terraform Provider to install fluxcd on a k8s cluster running on Azure Cloud. Fluxcd should then look for changes in a AzureDevops Git Repo. In the AzApi Terraform Flux ...

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